
Who was first the Chicken or the egg?

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Who was first the Chicken or the egg?




  1. Chickens evolved from non-chickens through small changes caused by the mixing of male and female DNA or by mutations to the DNA that produced the zygote. These changes and mutations only have an effect at the point where a new zygote is created. That is, two non-chickens mated and the DNA in their new zygote contained the mutation(s) that produced the first true chicken. That one zygote cell divided to produce the first true chicken.

    Prior to that first true chicken zygote, there were only non-chickens. The zygote cell is the only place where DNA mutations could produce a new animal, and the zygote cell is housed in the chicken's egg. So, the egg must have come first.

    Then there is this (tongue in cheek) article:

    Chicken and egg debate unscrambled

    Egg came first, 'eggsperts' agree

  2. Egg.  

  3. chicken came first to be born and than an egg

  4. Well, are you all about Evolution... or Creation?

    There is no true answer to this question... it all goes back to your personal beleifs.

    if you beleive in Evolution, then the Egg.... the egg will have been layed by another animal, that has evolved to the chicken over many generations.

    If however, you are a beleiver in Creation, the chicken. people who beleive in creationism beleive that god -or other higher being, depending on specific beleifs- placed the first chicken on earth.

    see, it all depends on your beleifs... there is no right or wrong answer. =]

  5. Chicken and an egg were lying in bed.  Chicken was smiling, satisfied.  Egg was staring at the ceiling, obviously frustrated.  Finally the egg muttered, to no one in particular, "Well, I guess we answered that question."

  6. If you think evolution is true then the egg.

    If you think creationism is true then the chicken.

  7. The Rooster came first!!!!!

  8. The tortoise came in first, then the hare. I am not sure the chicken even finished the race.

  9. Egg of course...  

  10. Chicken FTW

  11. I don't know, and I don't think anyone knows, and that's why you should never ever eat them together, because that's like getting them coming AND going.  

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