
Who was henry V111 last wife, catherine parr or catherine haward?

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Who was henry V111 last wife, catherine parr or catherine haward?




  1. First of all it's Henry VIII (Latin numerals, not arabic) and the answer is Catherine Parr. The other name is spelled Katherine Howard.

  2. It was Katherine Parr, she outlived him by a few years.

    Catherine Howard was the one before last and he had her beheaded for adultery and thus treason.

  3. His last wife was Catherine Paar.

  4. Catherine Parr.

  5. Catherine Parr,who outlived him and later married another man--unfortunately she then died in childbirth.

    Catherine Howard was the second to last wifeand was very young and naieve--and one of the ones unfortunate enough to lose her head.

  6. Katherine Parr (c. 1512 – 5 September 1548), also known as Katherine or Katharine Parr(e), was the last of the six wives of Henry VIII of England. She was queen consort of England during 1543–1547, then dowager queen of England. She was the most married English queen, with four husbands.

  7. King Henry VIII Katherine Parr (c. 1512 – 5 September 1548), also known as Katherine or Katharine Parr(e), was the last of the six wives of Henry VIII of England. She was queen consort of England during 1543–1547, then dowager queen of England. She was the most married English queen, with four husbands.

    Kathryn Howard (between 1520 and 1525 – 13 February 1542), also called Katherine Howard was the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England (1540-1542), and sometimes known by his reference to her as "the rose without a thorn". Her birth date and place of birth is unknown, (occasionally cited as 1521, probably in London). She was the daughter of Lord Edmund Howard, a poor younger son of the 2nd Duke of Norfolk. Catherine married Henry VIII on 28 July 1540, at Oatlands Palace in Surrey, almost immediately after his annulment from Anne of Cleves was arranged. However, Catherine's marital conduct and past sexual history were known to be unchaste, and she was beheaded after less than two years of marriage on the grounds of treason.

  8. They are all dead anyway.

  9. Katherine Parr (1512 -1548) was the King's 6th of 6 wives.   He was her 3rd of 4 husbands.   She, like most women who shared her name at that time including two of Henry's other wives, spelled her name with a "K" rather than the now more common "C".

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