
Who was hung upside down on the cross?

by Guest32891  |  earlier

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Who was hung upside down on the cross?




  1. As he said it is indeed St. Peter. The reversed cross, also known as the cross of St. Peter, has also been used as an emblem of Satanism, although more often by non-satanists than believers. Historically, it has been a symbol of humility, a symbol of Martyred St. Peter's refusal to be crucified in the manner of Christ, preferring to be hung upside down.

    Today, the symbol of an upturned cross may symbolize an opposition to Christian dogma, a concept borrowed from Christian writers who mistook the emblem of Peter for an anti-Christian symbol- a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy!

    The inverted cross is also an esoteric symbol of reversal, and is related to the 12th key of the tarot, the hanged man.

  2. St. Peter.  It is a symbol of Martyred St. Peter's refusal to be crucified in the manner of Christ, preferring to be hung upside down.

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