
Who was involved in the Eureka Stockade?

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Who was involved in the Eureka Stockade?




  1. In the Eureka Stockade, the miners and the British troops were involved. This event occured in Ballarat, Victoria. This event was a result of many things. One was the killing of a miner near the Eureka Hotel. Another was the increase on gold license hunts due to the new governor realising 30,000 miners didnt have licenses.

    At a  meeting of about 14000 miners at the top of Bakery Hill, the miners decided to burn their gold licenses and resist arrest. After this, they unfurled the Southern Cross, the Eureka Flag. It was a direct opposition to British authority. The miners then built a stockade. On Saturday 2nd December 1854, most of the miners went home for the night, as they believed the troops would not attack on the sabbath(Sunday). But they did just this. It was called a cowardly attack. Most of the miners were sleeping. Innocent bystanders were killed. It was a military victory for the governor, but not a political one. After the stockade, no jury would convict the miners. Many democratic changes occurred after this, and the Eureka Stockade was seen as the starting point for democracy for Victoria. Miners were given more rights and the license system was abolished.

    Around 22 miners and 5 troops were killed.

  2. basically the miners were sick of being taxed and sick of how they were being treated, so they built a stockade and fought for something like three days. I think 5 people dies, but after that, the miners got better conditions

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