
Who was more dominant at their weight class,.......?

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Ray Leonard at 147, or Michael Spinks at 175?




  1. MS earned everything he got, RL was great, but got a few gifts.

  2. Tough question.  Ray had more "Highs"  He beat better opponents  Hearns, Benitez, Duran, and "Lows", the loss to Duran.  

    Michael was undefeated at 175.  It would be easy to say Spinks is more dominant.  You can't argue with a perfect record.

    However, I have to give the nod to Leonard.  Hearns was a much bigger threat to Leonard than Spinks'  greatest threat at 175, Muhammad Qwai.  

    Michael did more work, being champion longer and defending the title more.   Leonard climbed higher mountains.  I just consider a win over Hearns to be a monumental accomplishment.

  3. I watched them in most of their fights.  They were equally dominant.

  4. Spinks easy. He never lost a fight at 175. Leonard lost to Lightweight Duran at 147.

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