
Who was more influential in Hip-Hop?

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Rakim or 2pac




  1. It all depends who's point of view you are talking about.

    Tupac- Profesionally surfaced in the early early ninety's. He focused on the struggles of young black males, fatherless youths, people in the ghetto who struggle on an every day basis, Single Moms (dear mama), and due to his Mother Black Power/pride. Due to the fact that this was his whole life story. Then He later moved to the  Thug Living portion of life where he song about drugs, violence, somewhat graphic towards women, and anti law/goverment stuff.Which was later discovered that he lived alot of the stuff he talked about. Overall he was noted for. Being a pioneer of the new Thug/gangster rap movement that swarmed the 1990's. He Was also one of the first rappers to be an  actor and a poet. Which is very uncommon back in his day and event to this day and an activist

    Rakim- Started out very young. Fresh outta High School at the age 18 in 1986. WIth his friend and partner a Dj Named Eric B who had connections such as Marley MArl and MC Shan. STayed with Hime till 1992 then left. Signed with Q=BOB dropped out shortly afterwords until 1997. In 2000 he signed with Dr.Dre's Aftermath Record Lable. 2003 due to differences with Dre he left and signed to DreamWork Records left and since has been popping in and out of sight for the past couple years with claims of a comeback album. He is most noted with pioneering and practiced internal rhyming and  introducing /faming poetic devices into hip hop.

    I would say they are both equally important but in different ways

    Rakim is more important because he has completely changed up rap and hip hop both Underground and Mainstream with his innovative ways

    But Rakim is lesser known when it comes to a fan base

    Where as Tupac is more important because he has reached out to many many people, and was one of the first to bring fame to Thug Life and even to this day has a larger fan base.

    Basically They were both pioneers and innovaters alike so it depends on who you are. Personally I belive Tupac is

    Sorry it is so long but it has to be to get a good answer hoped it helped


  2. i think most people would argue it was 2Pac because he connected more with the people and he shared his struggles with his fans and his songs were about things some people could really relate to....

    but solely talking about Hip-Hop and rapping then its Rakim hands down. I agree with B.K.S...Paid in Full ended up being a model for rappers to follow and he has established himself IMO as one of the true pioneers of rap. I think its too much to say that "he invented hip-hop" but he contributed to its development and its because of that that other rappers like 2pac got to where they got.

  3. I think Tupac is the greatest there ever was and will be but I got to give it to Rakim

  4. The reason u would have to say 2pac is bcuz he not only brought the hardcore muzic to hip hop but he also brought the softer side of a gangster and that its not always all about money and b*****s plus 2pac is just simply the greatest Rapper of all time he is a lyrical genius

  5. Rakim, you can say tupac and i understand where you see that, but with no Rakim, there would be no Pac, Rakim practically made hip hop, and he definitly made hip hop what it is today. AND HE STILL IN THE GAME! seventh seal hopefully will get dropped soon

  6. 2pac, easily

  7. Tupac.

  8. I love Rakim, but Pac was way more influential, in rap and things he did for the poorer communities.

  9. 2pac most definitely

  10. It depends how you mean influential...

    Influential TO hip hop. Rakim, and that's not even debatable. The man invented flow. You listen to how Run DMC and Melle Mel were rhyming in the early-mid 80s, and how EVERY RAPPER rhymed after Paid in Full was released. 2pac didn't make genre changing influence like that.

    But in terms of influence in popular music, and how big of an impact they made. It's the opposite. 2pac made the biggest impact of any musician after the deaths of John Lennon and Bob Marley.

  11. 2Pac

  12. 2pac, everybody liked his gangsta swagger and it helps that he died. Plus, everybody knows who tupac is, only hip-hop connoseurs have heard of Rakim

    IMO Rakim is a much better rapper... 2pac is a lyrical genius but his flow sucks, Rakim has the lyrics and the flow.

  13. 2pac, no question.

  14. Its obviously Rakim since he set an example with paid in full that influenced so many rappers to adapt his style of flowing and if there was no rakim there will be no pac .  

  15. I would say Tupac because i never really ever heard of Rakim

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