
Who was more successful in spreading "Democracy" in the world? Gandhi or Pres. Bush?

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Gandhi had to deal with terror caused by Billions of Muslims, Seeks Hindus etc, running around and brutally killing each other. An extreme form of Terrorism.

His solution: Nonviolence and food/water strike for 15 days, which almost killed him, but it brought peace and ultimately the greatest "Democracy" in the world called "India" to day.

Pres. Bush. Supposedly dealing with at the most 30,000,000 Iraqis fighting each other over their beliefs such as Sunies VS Shiates .

His Solution : Violence, war, dropping 20,000 lbs bombs killing over 1.200,000 innocent defenseless civilians and a disaster zone called Iraq.

Who was more successful?





  1. The answer is obvious!  The dead man will be long remembered perhaps thousands of years in the future, and when the other man dies, he will be honored for a few years, then written about by historians, and vilified by his victims for a few more decades.

    My answer:  The already-dead man, by far!  Because another dead peacenik is now remembered and revered in over half the modern world and he's been gone for 2000 years.

  2. Bush isn't fit to spread horse manure.

  3. Bush and his administration have not promoted democracy anywhere.  They are running a puppet government in Iraq and have created anarchy which has killed millions in Afghanistan and Iraq.  They have caused the displacement of millions of which a good number having lost everything will join and fight against America and the puppet governments.

    The US is setting itself up as a permanent occupier of Iraq irregardless of what the Iraqi government says.  They have privatized Iraq's oil and now mostly American oil companies own Iraqi oil.  The Americans are building a huge 21 building 104 acre embassy complex (a rather ugly American palace) at the last noted cost of $700 million.  They are still working on their 14 military bases even though the Iraqi government has said no to a permanent occupation.

    Can you tell me?  How much news has there been about the embassy, the military bases and the killing of Iraqis?

    You must remember that Iraq was to be a democracy but the US put their CIA asset Saddam in power.  They also put their CIA asset Noriega in charge in Panama.  When the US took out Noriega the secretly invaded at night with 26,000 troops and killed thousands on Panamanians, many of whom were sleeping in their beds.  The US criminality has no bounds.

    Oh, yeah, Ghandi, of course.  His work in India showed the world what could be done in a peaceful manner and in the 80s Corazon Aquino faced a cruel dictatorship from a peaceful position in the streets of Manila.

  4. Bush.  If you doubt it, ask the people under sadams thumb, as well as under the taliban.  You obviously have an agenda.  In other words, not an honest question.  Get over yourself.

  5. Depends on your version of Democracy

    If you feel that Democracy is living in peace and having a say in how your country runs, without persecution from any oppressors then Ghandi did the best.

    If your idea of Democracy is living in fear of Western influences carpet bombing your house until you "get it right" then GWB is the man


    Ghandi spread Democracy in 1 country and served as an inspiration to the rest of the world

    Bush "spread Democracy" by invading 2 countries, and served as a warning to the rest of the world

  6. You mean the same ghandi that John Edwards baby mama compared him to?

  7. Iraq was not a Democracy till Bush. So Bush was much more successful. Ghandi is a nice story in history but that is about it.

  8. I think it is obvious that Bush's goal was to create chaos.

  9. I think Bush did a good job at first with the Iraq war, but I am going to have to go with Gandhi.

  10. Well, Gandhi peacefully protested with the sole intention of bettering the lives of his people under the British Rule. And he really wanted to put a stop to all the killings and violence between India and Pakistan, so that's why he went on a hunger strike until they would put a cease to the violence. Gandhi was only a normal person to begin with, he turned into a civil rights leader because he was captivated to devote his life for the good of man.

    Bush came from a wealthy and powerful family to begin with. He became president not necessarily because he wanted to do good for America, but because him and his administration had ulterior motives. The War was not about spreading democracy, it was about money, and the continual supply of oil. He was internationally condemned by the United Nations on having absolutely no basis or evidence of Iraq having WMD's, but he went ahead with it anyways. He lied and misled his people into believing that the war was just and necessary, by directing their anger after 9/11 and saying that Iraq was an imminent threat with WMD's. He managed to mask his secret intentions, in place of a noble and just war effort, by using the words "Freedom" and "Democracy" over and over again.

    Bush certainly was no spreader of Democracy by any accounts, he even weakened our already faltering Democracy even further by implementing bills like the Patriot Act to bypass the 4th amendment of the Constitution as he saw fit. I'll have to say Gandhi was certainly more effective and successful, but he was ultimately more concerned with spreading peace rather than spreading democracy.

    We pride ourselves on being a democracy, and yet, it is run by people who might as well be Totalitarians, because they seem to be able to do anything they please and get away with it. Peace in unilateral, under any political rule, so I am more grateful for that, rather than waving the flag for corrupt and evil politicians who have their way with our country at our expense.

  11. Bush is a Idiot, Gandhi, whatever!

  12. Gandhi did a wonderful job in his time spent on this earth, but Bush did his best to prevent those same 20,000 lb bombs from falling from our skies.  He made some bad choices during his time in office but, I guest he has done what he thought was best for the protection of this country.  Never forget 911 and what could have happen and what still could happen.

  13. I didn't know that Dubya is spreading democracy. He spread "oilcracy".

  14. Gandhi, but unfortunately, he was killed before he could help more, because there is still much fighting between India and Pakistan.

  15. Gandhi hands down. Anyone who thinks Bush is a hero deserves to live under his command. Gandhi will sacrifice anything for peace. Bush will sacrifice the lives of every man and woman in his country as long as he isn't in danger.

  16. Ghandi was a moron and a pee drinker; he drank his own pee, look it up.

    He said that the Jews that fought in the warsaw ghettos were wrong and shoul have resorted to non-violence against the n**i's; idiot.

  17. burke37chris:

    The same baby mama that was banging 2 other guys besides Edwards at the time, you mean.

    I seriously doubt she has a clue who fathered her little b*****d.

  18. Being an abject failure all his life would one expect anything else as prezident?  I for one would not.

  19. lol, all bush did was kill 600,000 Iraqis and f*ck up their lives

    when you ask a question about something good and ask if bush did it, the answer is always "no"

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