
Who was more succsessful at 21? Maria sharapova, or serena williams?

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question says it all. put aside that sharapova is still 21.




  1. Is this question for real?

    Sharapova has peaked, she will never be as great as Serena is.

  2. Sharapova will win more tournaments but Serena was much more successful and would have been even greater if she was more interested in the game.  Sharapova is good and only time will tell how much she will achieve by 26.  The difference between Sharapova and Serena is that Serena is more talented but doesn't put in the work while Sharapova works so much harder with what little talent she has and I believe that will take her very far.  How much we will never know until then.

  3. Most of ya are not answering the question.

    At 21 Serena had already completed a career slam(winning all 4 slams).Sharapova is yet to do that.

    The following is Serena's grandslams up to 2003.

    1999 - won French Open doubles title with sister venus.

              -same year won U.S.Open

    2000 - won Olympics doubles gold medal with sister Venus. venus went on to win singles gold.

               -same year won Wimbledon doubles with sister venus.

    2001 - won Aussie Open doubles with sister venus.

    2002 - missed AO due to injury but bounced back to sweep all the remaining 3 slams.[FO,Wimbledon & USO]

    2003 - won Aussie Open.

    All this was done btwn ages of 18 and tell me if Sharapova's achievements come even close.

  4. What???? maria peaked???    no chance she hasn't, she will be better than serena with ease

  5. i have to say maria sharapova have more success in her career and her life as well.... she will be one of the greatest players after henin...

  6. Serena of course

  7. haha what would be great was if Maria retired at 26. But i think Maria will win more tounys, but overall serna is a better player when shes good.

  8. I would say Serena Williams =)

  9. Sharapova hasn't peaked yet...IMO. To suggest that is ludicrous. Serena has been very successful and I think SHE has peaked.

  10. The stats don't lie: Maria is more successful at 21. Not only in tennis, but also in other walks of life.

    To say Maria has peaked is just plain stupid, and to say that is just ridiculous. Maria has nowhere near peaked yet. I think next year or the year after, we will see the best of Masha, and certainly see her win many more grand slams even after she has peaked.

  11. Sharapova is more successful as far as titles overall.  She currently has 19 to Serena's 15 at Maria's age.  Also Serena had 2 slams, including that year's French Open, while Maria has 3 slam titles.  Both won WTA Championships once.  Maria has 1 more Tier I championships title (6 vs. Serena's 5).  When Serena was 21, that was when she hit her peak form.  That was the year she won the "Serena Slam" and finished the year as #1 (the only year she achieved that).


    For all of those who keep comparing Serena Slam period with Sharapova now, should remember that Maria was born in '87 and Serena in '81.  They're 6 years apart, so the equivalent to Maria in 2008 would be Serena from 2002, not 2003.  That's why I laid out the stats by the end of French Open 2002 for Serena.

  12. Serena hands down, by the time Serena was 21 she had already completed her career grandslam, her "Serena Slam" and she continued to win more slams after that. Serena has her ups and down as many great players do, but she has always been a far better player than Sharapova, you never heard Serena call herself "a cow on ice" when it comes to clay. Serena has always had confidence in herself and in her game and that's why she's succeeded as much as she has. Serena hasn't reached her peak yet, she's 26, that's still young to already have 8 grandslams and is still a top five player. Sharapova is still young and has a long way to go I certainly don't think she's reached her peak yet either, but we'll see through the years how she does. But Serena isn't done yet, she's still got allot of winning to do.

  13. Some of you all are just playing favorites, and it's ok to have them, but the fact of the matter is Serena held all 4 slams at the age of 21 if I'm not mistaken. The "Serena Slam" I believe she called it. Maria only has 3 at 21.

    That's just facts people. Nothing you can do about that.


    After amassing a 56-5 record and eight singles titles, including three Grand Slams in 2002, Williams carried considerable momentum into the '03 campaign. With her 7-6, 3-6, 6-4 victory over elder sister Venus in the Australian Open final in January, Serena became the fifth woman in the Open era to complete a Career Grand Slam.

    In 2003 she was 21.

  14. well overall i would have to say serena was more succesfull because she achieved the SERENA slam all 4 majors.. sharpova or any other player never was able to do that... that alone stands for alot...

  15. serena

  16. Your question is not clear. Successful at what? Tennis wise Serena is better since she was an all courter and Maria can not play on clay. But moneywise, Maria is the highest paid female athlele in the world of sports.

  17. Maria Sharapova. You should watch how she beat Ivanovic.

  18. i would say Serena Williams and in my opinion she is the best tennis player ever!!!

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