
Who was offended by the "baby mama" remark and "terrorist pound" remark given by Fox news regarding the Obamas

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Fox news referred to Obama's wife as his "baby mama" and regarded the "dap" his wife gave him as something to do with terrorists. They even questioned her being an American. I'm so sick of the media saying whatever bull they want and just giving a little apology afterwards. They are true idiots. That's why Obama WILL be the next president.




  1. All media is biased get over it.

    Obama is tossing around lies and false promises all the time and when he gets caught he says, "sorry" or "it was out of context" or just refuses to acknowledge it at all.

    Ask yourself one question:  WHO will pay for all Obamas ideas?

    "Give me my free __________" Obama supporters.

    Some of us WORK for what we want.

  2. That is the very reason why I totally HATE fox news.

  3. One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

    There are a lot of terrorists living in Boston (and elsewhere) who were quite happy to sponsor the 'every dollar a bullet' campaign for Northern Ireland.  Can you believe US citizens have been actively supporting terrorism since the 1960s  ? But they did!

    My point being that those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

    No one is innocent

  4. I'm not offended by anything I hear on the news.Obama's wife is the babies mama.The "dap" was clearly a terrorist thing.Mrs.Obama does hate America and is not a good American.God Bless America.


  6. Fox is slanted to the right, while ABC, CBS, and NBC are slanted to the left.  We choose what we watch, but we should all be wary about believing everything we hear.

  7. People are so immature.  They KNOW he's gonna be the next president so they're trying to make him look bad and hurt his chances in the November election.

    Or maybe they're trying to gauge his response to opposition and see how he handles situations under emotional pressure.  People are still making a big stink over his "lack of experience".  

    People just have an innate ability to poke their noses where they don't belong I suppose.

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