
Who was on ( is on) Ramstein air base?

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Who was on ( is on) Ramstein air base?




  1. Ramstein and K-town.

  2. CIA prison. Now all you LIBERALS go run and TELL someone!!! Morons!!!

  3. there is no more us air base there anymore.they shut it down earlier this year. oh i thought u said frankfurt.ramstein is still soldiers and german guards.but ill be shut down too soon.i in friedberg and ill be shut down in september next year like a lot of other ones

  4. 1989-1991 loaded cargo planes...

    One cannot mention Ramstein AB without also mentioning FRED'S.

  5. Sweety, you need to check again.  Ramstein is the headquarters for NATO Air North, and there are those nations and a few more unmentioned who are present at Ramstein.  

    Teacher, unfortunately Fred's is gone -- it's now a bicycle store/repair shop.

    USAF (Retired) Ramstein 2002-2005, still live in Germany.

  6. I am on there for sure and lots of other Americans....we have some Germans on guard duty at the gates.

    Why do you ask?

    PS: I do not understand where Ahmad the other contributor got his  answer husband is an officer here at Ramstein and we know who is or is not here.

  7. American, Canadian, German, British, French, Belgian, Polish, Czech, Norwegian, Danish and Dutch forces.

  8. me

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