
Who was prince hall the mason and how did he die?

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Who was prince hall the mason and how did he die?




  1. Prince Hall (1738 – December 4, 1807) is considered the founder of "Black Freemasonry" in the United States, known today as Prince Hall Freemasonry. Prince Hall was a property owner and a registered voter in Boston. He worked as an abolitionist and civil rights activist, fought for laws to protect free blacks in Massachusetts from kidnapping by slave traders, campaigned for schools for black children, and operated a school in his own home.


  2. he was a black mason like the stone mason secret fraternity.

    He is considered theblack father of masonry . He's very interesting if you like a little mystery.

    I don't know how he died. are you sure it wasn't natural. you should do a google search.

  3. Prince Hall was a free black man in the 1700s who was invited to join a Masonic lodge with three others, then they were asked to leave the lodge. [this was in Virginia or New York, can't remember]. So they started their own lodge, recognized by the Masonic order, that was open to black and colored men.

  4. There is a good biography here:

    although not very much is known about him- not unusual for an average citizen at that time, black or white.  I can't find anything about how he died, but he was in his 70's and that was quite an old age at that time.

  5. Prince Hall was the founder of Prince Hall Freemasonry, or black freemasonry. Prince Hall and 14 other black men were initiated, passed and raised by the Military Lodge #441 (England) in Boston. When the British Army left, they were granted dispensation by the Premier Grande Lodge of England (one of the precursors of the modern UGLE) to operate as African Lodge #1. The UGLE stated that they are legal and recgonized which went against tradition that only one Masonic body should exist in a territory. As a result most mainstream grand lodges then recognized them as well, however even today not all do.

    while very similar, there are some differences between mainstream and prince hall lodges.

    I cannot find anything written about his death, other than it occurred when he was 72 years old, over twice the average lifespan for someone in the 1700's so he likely just died of natural causes.

    Please let me know if you need further help.

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