
Who was saying they're better than Kobe Bryant?

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I think it was yesterday I read somewhere that someone (possibly on the spurs) was saying they were a better player than Kobe - that he was concieted and apparently pissed alot of Lakers fans off. I cant find the article anywhere, and it's really annoying me.




  1. Paul Pierce...can you believe it?

  2. Me

  3. paul pierce is better than least in the last nba finals.

  4. Sounds like something Tony Parker would say.

  5. Paul fukn pierce

  6. Its my favorite player Paul pierce he went to far

  7. Some a$$wipe named paul pierce

  8. Some guy that plays for the Celtics!!

    He's the guy who faked an injury then

    came running back of the floor 2 mins

    later.Classic acting job.

  9. The crack smoking wheel chair q***r Paul Pierce

  10. Some guy named paul pierce who was named i think nba finals mvp!!!!

  11. Paul Pierce and he is better than Kobe

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