
Who was that girl in civil war times who was.......?

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she started shooting rifles when she was really young and she was the best there ever was or something..... she was like "one of the guys" kinda..... during civil war times...

whats her name, and where can i find that video of her shooting that stuff in that arena? its in blackand white and no audio obviously.




  1. Annie Oakley!!

  2. I think you are probably thinking of Annie Oakley, who was a very famous markswoman and performed with Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show.  Her skill with a rifle dazzled everyone who saw her perform, she shot moving glass balls and playing cards thin edge on and suchlike amazing feats.  You can see the film of her performing her shooting act. made in 1894, on the entry on Annie Oakley on wikipedia.

    Annie Oakley would never have regarded herself as "one of the guys" she always took great pains to cultivate a very ladylike image, she always rode sidesaddle for instance, and she disapproved of the women's suffrage movement because she thought that voting was unladylike.  She did become a close friend of Chief Sitting Bull when she was a member of buffalo Bill's show.

    She was born in 1860, so she would not have been a part of the Civil War, which ended when she was five, but there were about four hundred women who disguised themselves as men in order to fight in the war, and some of them were good markswomen, though none that I know of with a reputation like Annie Oakley's.

  3. Annie Oakley.. she was known as the "Sharp Shooter" and is the inspiration for the Musical " Annie Get Your Gun"

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