
Who was that man/woman who was offering like.. a $1,000,000 reward for anyone who could prove had psi powers

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he/she was offering a reward for anyone who could prove they had genuine psychic abilitys....




  1. That would be the Amazingly Dishonest Randi.

    (links below)


  2. That would be the venerable James Randi Challenge you're probably thinking of, but his is not the only one. See the Skepdic link below for other challenges as well, which needless to say have never been won. You'll hear plenty of excuses from True Believers why no psychic has ever won, let alone pass the preliminary testing, and much of it is just dishonest excuses. For example, some claim that the $1 Million doesn't really exist as liquid assets but "junk bonds", but Goldman & Sachs says otherwise (see last link).

  3. james randi

  4. If someone really did have psi powers.That million dollar offer would be peanuts.They would be wealthy and famous to an extent we can only imagine.That's why the offer is so silly.Almost as silly as the fools who believe in this nonsense.

  5. James Randi

  6. It's actually a million dollars in bonds, and who's to say those bonds are actually worth anything. Try emailing them and ask how you will be paid. It's a scam.

  7. You are no doubt referring to James "The Amazing" Randi, famed stage magician and skeptic. He puts the showmanship in skepticism! He looks good on TV, writes books, and is generally entertaining.

    As for that "Million Dollar Challenge", I don't think any psychic demonstration is going to pry that million away from Randi, no matter how good it is!

    BTW Even if you don't like Randi, it isn't fair to call him a man/woman or a he/she. His sexual orientation should not be an issue.

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