
Who was the 1st member of dis section?

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Was it u TS?? How did u all find it? I juss happen tuh be checkin thru the different sections then I realise it had a Trini section..




  1. I eh know who was first, but I saw dis Yahoo Answer ting, and like de typical trini, ah had tuh see wat it was about.

    Ah wash meh foot and just jump right in de dance.

    Tuh tell you de truth, ah was ah lil afraid ah get boof up and ting eh. But we have ah real nice seta ppl here. To sweet not tuh drop by.

  2. It was one of the posse (ah wouldn't tell allyuh who) that introduced me to YA. She kept telling me about this section and how funny the answers were and how good the lime was but I couldn't believe a virtual lime could be good. She persisted (lawd, she was like a dawg wid a bone boy!!) so I finally checked it out and I've been hooked ever since!

  3. Looking at past questions - Petra M, Trini Girl, Casey and Izzy B - were some of the first ones here! This is dating back 1-2 years ago!!

    When is the Trini Posse official Anniversary, and how do we celebrate it?

  4. i was minding my business in d P&S, or was it jokes section, and one of the persons there asked ah the T&T Section.  (ah was minding she business nah).  anyhows, dat is how i discover the section, at that time Izzy was ruling with ilyana and TS running ah close second.

    Boy ah was real fraid to comment oui, ah see some ah d group did cuss out someone dey, phew.  but ah still lime around and put in meh two cents once in a while.

    now im an official member of the posse, whoo hoo. and now ah days i does throw in ah little more than just 2 cents lol.

    so, when we having this virtual anniversary? ah dey, and ah have l****r, ah mean liquer.

  5. Hmmm well..far as I can tell d 1st set ah ppl I see here was Izzy B,Trini Gual, T.S and Jouvet.....

    then after that d posse start to come in one by one...;0)

    How did I find it??

    check fuh ah trini section...........

  6. I cyar remember when I join..but somebody ask some question about how Trinis does dress....steups..that was more than a year ago, but the originals was Trini Gyal, Gibbsy, Jouvert Girl..and TS a l'il while after. A few others but can't remember who...

  7. Hmmmm..... good question...

  8. good question

    i didnt know it had a trini section til ah stumble upon it.

    and it was jones

    cuz ah was laughin at some question TS friggy and Julien did ansa

  9. well is friggy who drag me here,.... i is ah johnny come

  10. dem ave a yardie section suh weh inna yahoo ansa?

  11. I joined in February last year. Izzy and TS where already here I think. I was just looking through the site and found the Trini section.

    To add to what Curious was saying, I think we should pick a date for our anniversary and have a big virtual fete!

  12. Friggy yuh memba yuh ask ah question bout Tivoli an passa passa, das ow ah find di Posse, mi nuh lef yet, I wudda like no tu.

  13. this is the unofficial trini section. Trinidadians just love to have a good time everywhere

  14. Fuh me, was pretty much like evryone else. Just browsin and see Trinidad and Tobago,so I had tuh check dat out. Since it was in travel, I neva thought it woulda be a big lime! Shoulda known...we people could find a lime anywhere yes!

  15. well i meet Friggy TS Curious Izzy Casey Chef B and dem here.

    Let we doh forget Sandy whe is ah looooong time she eh show she face here.

    I guess we all drifted on ah natural path to come here... like ants to sugar nah, daz how Trini does do it we doh advertise weself we does jus find one another.... like ants. Yuh see is one blood in we vein eh we bathe in de same sea and drink de same water.

    Like de song say "all ah we is one famaleee"

  16. I dunno the first member lol

    I find it cuz Jouvert add me as a contact and I was macco...I mean checking out she profile and I notice a Trinidad and Tobago section and I was like oh s4!t, i thave a trini section!!!

    So I macco...I mean read the questions and answers for a lil while, den I join :) :)

  17. daz a good question, i stumble upon this site, and ah while after realise it had a trini section, and with plenty regulars already, TS, Jouvert, Ilyena, U, Chef D and a few others,  then i join...

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