
Who was the MVP on the USA team?

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I have to go with Dwyane Wade. He showed up in ALL the games and was in beast mode. For runner up I would say Lebron James. He was a great defensives player. What you think?




  1. Dwyane Wade was everywhere! He also came off the bench

  2. They didnt crown a MVP  

  3. kobe b/c of his defense and timely offense

  4. d-wade is the best player in the usa team no doubt... i dont have to explain it if u watch all games for the us you will know why...

  5. Dwayne Wade, because he was consistent, and was the one carrying the team. Lebron was a great defensive presence, and so was Jason Kidd.  

  6. -I agree, D-Wade MVP of team USA, LeBron was a very close second place, but D-Wade put on a clinic everytime he came off of that bench.

  7. D-Wade was MVP for sure.

    Please do give justice to the defense of Kobe Bryant limiting players to very few points.

    therefore runner up:kobe

  8. its got to be kwame brown! he was so BEAST!

  9. D-Wade was the MVP, hands down. Coming off the bench and still led the team in scoring. His shooting percentage throughout this tournament was around 80% and his all-around game really showed how dangerous he is when healthy.  

  10. D-Wade.

  11. kobe bryant cuz his more all around than Dwayne wade in the olympics. D-wade scores more than kobe  but kobe beats him with his ability in passing, rebounding, and a way better defense

  12. d-wade

  13. Lebron by far. The man was everywhere. Scoring when needed. Passing, stealing, blocking. All over the place. Wade a close second.

    Disappointment. Carmelo. He couldn't hit anything. Yeah he led them in scoring one game, but he was 3-16 doing so.

    I never would have picked him to begin with. Not a team player.

  14. D Wade and D Will

  15. Bosh was an understatment.

  16. I agree with Wade being the MVP for USA. Lebron was all over the place defensively and a force but Wade was more solid overall with consistency.

  17. D-Wade was MVP!

    He shot the ball every game at an amazing percentage and lead the team in all areas!

  18. d-wade 4 sure



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