
Who was the best Star Trek captain and why?

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Who was the best Star Trek captain and why?




  1. please answer mine

  2. Bluntly, I can't decide between Kirk and Picard.

    Janeway and Archer were on less well-written shows.  And I've been a Kate Mullgrew fan since I was a young man and couldn't imagine her doing SF.  I WANTED her to be a great Star Trek Captain.  She gave a great performance as Janeway, but if she had been able to speak with the weight of the Federation behind her it would have been a better show.

    The overall quality of the Picard stories was higher, but when you look at the Kirk stories you get Arena, Wolf in the Fold, the City on the Edge of Forever, and Trouble with Tribbles -- classic stories about Everyman, in this case Kirk, being pushed to the limit and beyond, and overcoming his problems.

    I have to say it's a tossup.  Picard is a different kind of captain.  Equally good, but not the same.  And with respect to the others, not better, though no worse.

  3. Baldy, because he had the biggest ship.  Bigger is better, right?

  4. I liked Captain Kirk, he really got into the role and made the show a lot of fun, They all were pretty good but he was a tough act to follow.

  5. Pike.  He was first and he was the only one able to deal with the Talosians.

  6. Captain Janeway

  7. Christopher Pike played by Jeffrey Hunter - just a personal preference .


  8. Captain Kirk. Because the other ones lack character.

  9. ditto answer one, picard kicks 1/2 metal @$$

    contacts; yes i'm a trekkie, get over it

  10. Sisko.  He punched Q!

  11. Sisko.

    Janeway automatically loses because her solution to everything was "Use the Deflector Dish to..."

    Kirk loses because there's no way with his reckless abandonment of protocol and proceedure he'd have ever made it past leiutenant in a real military, and probably would have been completely kicked out even before that.

    Archer is eliminated because T'Pol was the one who was running the show most of the time.

    Picard was pretty good, but for all the talks he gives about the Prime Directive, he sure does ignore it quickly when it's convenient for him.

    But Sisko. He was forced into the combined role of diplomat and religious figure with the Bajorans, and though he made no secret he didn't want the religious role, he knew better than to throw it back in their faces. He had son to raise, and he did! He led the victory in the Dominion War, and was so confident in his ability to do so that he taunted the Dominion on the way out (by leaving his beloved baseball behind at his desk).

  12. Captain Kirk, Because he actually went out and fought and he was really young  

  13. Picard, because he kicked the borgs collective asses!

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