
Who was the best actor, Bill who looked on adoringly at Hillary or Hillary who said she supported Obama.?

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Hard to choose they are both very experienced actors.




  1. Hillary hands down - Bill has done that act many times before he is well practiced.  Her act was new & she gets the oscar this time!

  2. She did what she had to do and did it in a good way. I do not like her but one has to see she has more going for her than Obama ever will. Peace

  3. The Clintons are Democrats... what part of that don't the Neocons get?

  4. I'm concerned if you not a dem, then why are you so interested in

    watching the convention?

  5. Bill because she is the worselier of all time  

  6. Hillary

    LMFAO i still cant believe it  

  7. It's like watching Austria or Czechoslovakia sign over its territory to Germany.  

  8. flip a coin---they had that worked out ahead of time

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