
Who was the best first lady ever?

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What do you think they contributed to society?




  1. Bess Truman.  A woman far ahead of her time.  Totally independent of her husband, never in his shadow, HER OWN PERSON.  Unheard of back then, and very admirable.

  2. Jacqueline Kennedy

  3. We've had some real gooduns, but Mamie Eisenhower would be my choice.

  4. Eleanor Roosevelt and Jacqueline Kennedy

  5. No one could hold a candle to Betty Ford who spoke so candidly on national TV ("60 Minutes") about topics which were considered too controversial even as late as the mid-1970's. And her own struggles with substance abuse were not glossed over either. On the contrary, a well known clinic bears her name and has helped countless high profile people since its founding.

  6. I just loved jackie Kennedy.. Style, elegance and honor

  7. for me it was Kennedy. started to pay attention to politics then.

  8. Eleanor Roosevelt - her husband's eyes and ears around the world; a tireless campaigner for human rights

  9. From the archives of History I would have to agree with Eleanor Roosevelt.  

  10. Lady Bird Johnson. Got Americans to stop throwing rubbish out their car windows and the clean up America campaign.A woman a head of her times!

    For style and class, no one can compare to Jackie  

  11. First choice Eleanor Roosevelt

    Second choice Laura Bush

    Third choice Jacqueline Kennedy

    Fourth choice Nancy Reagan and here's why. She suffered the most vicious, nasty, mean spirited attacks of any first lady in modern times and responded with dignity, grace, and a steadfastness that put her detractors to shame. When Jackie brought refinement to the White House she was lionized, when Nancy did the same thing she was brutalized. She was under constant criticism because she wanted to bring fashion, elegance and class back into the White House (remember the White House China incident).

    Her "Just Say No" drug awareness campaign was trivialized even then, I can only imagine how those who rewrite history will portray her stance against drugs.

    The glee that was shown by so called reporters when the "astrology" incident "came to light" was incredible. Great, now she could not only be vilified by the left but the right could join in as well. Currently it's stem cell research the left can say, "her husband was 'dotty' maybe she's not so 'dotty' after all and the right can say, "her husband was great but remember shes old, being used, and remember that astrology incident."

    Does anyone notice that she responds now and responded then very little to personal attacks upon herself and only gets upset when "personal" attacks were/are launched against her husband. Even in this she is criticized. Her love and respect for her husband was characterized as "unblinking adoration." How could she be so naive? So loyal? So in love?  

    If McCain wins Cindy McCain will be attacked more than Nancy Reagan ever was. If Obama wins Michelle Obama will be lionized even more than Jacqueline Kennedy was. It won't matter what either of them do, that's what will happen. The funny thing is everyone knows that this is what's going to happen before it even does.

  12. I read a book once by a man who ran the White House (Butler).  He said Bess Truman was the best.  I think she was also the best person and the best wife and mother.  I guess Bess was just the Bess

  13. let think -- oh yes - who was the one that was not married!!!

  14. Eleanor Roosevelt.

  15. Elenore Roosevelt accomplished the most but then she was in the White House for nearly 16 years which gave her a great advantage over all the other first ladies. She was very intelligent. She was there during the depression and during WW 2. She was all class.

  16.   Eleanor Roosevelt

      She was in a less-than-perfect marriage, had an ailing (cheating) husband (although brilliant) and put that aside to do all of the humanitarian work that she did.

      Jackie Kennedy

      Much the same situation.  She brought incredible class to the White House.  She was truly a class act.

      I think that both of these women ,plus others, show that thay can be as big a contributors as their husbands the Presidents.

  17. I don't remember Eleanor but have read about her and yes she was a great lady, but the one I remember is Jackie Kennedy. She brought so much style and class to the White House. I absolutely loved her!

  18. I'll have to go with Eleanor Roosevelt.  She didn't hesitate to step up and  travel, have press conferences, stand up for women's issues, and support her president and her country during her tenure as first lady.  She was a shining example for all women.

  19. Add one more vote for Mrs Roosevelt.

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