
Who was the best king England ever had? maybe Henry v who won Agincourt?he was very popular?

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Who was the best king England ever had? maybe Henry v who won Agincourt?he was very popular?




  1. i would say it will be ELIZABETH I coz during her reign is the golden age of UK, and the Industrial Revoltion.

  2. If one is to believe all of history. both fabled and chronicled i would say King Arthur of Camelot

  3. Edward III was a wonderful king and had a long and illustrious reign until senile dementia and Alice Perrers got him.

    He led our navy in a wonderful victroy against the French at the battle of Sluys.

  4. Edward VIII

  5. I have a weakness for Henri II Plantagenet.

  6. King Alfred the Great, kept the continental hordes away even offering them money at times, established the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles so the England had a history, He was also a forward thinker always planning past the next battle his navy and warships were twice the size of his adversaries and helped the Danes keep land. There were more things that he did to contribute to the welfare of the British people but I think these get the gist across!!

  7. King Canute. There was no battle of Agincourt, it is a literary creational myth.

  8. England's best King was not a king at all but a Queen.  Queen Elizabeth I.  While she ruled, England ruled the seas and built her empire.

    She was courageous, made some difficult decisions and was much loved.

  9. William the conqueror

  10. Charles II. He founded the Royal Society, and thus brought about the British scientific revolution.

  11. Henry VIII - had 6 wives and created the Church of England - quite a feat for a man who just wanted a divorce. He founded the Royal Navy which went on to beat the Spanish Armada and had numerous 'Device Forts' (castles) built along the South coast. He also increased Anglo-French relations at the Field of the Cloth of Gold.

  12. i have an affinity for richard the lll the last yorkist king of england the last king to die in battle  (HE WAS BETRAYED) ,he just seem,s like a really good king, but i dont believe he killed his nephews, i think that was the tudor,

  13. Queen Victoria, maybe she wasn't the greatest but during her reign England was

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