
Who was the better wrestler the british bulldog or owen hart. (R.I.P.)?

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and do you think i am a good user, i joined august 2 and i am level 4




  1. Owen Hart!

  2. owen hart

  3. I've seen this question a few times in the past week, and it's a good one.  They were so close in over-all ability, it's almost impossible to pick one over the other.  But if I had to, I'd go with Owen.  He had a great "ground-game" and could also go airborne, when he needed/wanted to.   Not many guys nowadays have that flexibility.  

    Also, yeah, I'd say you're a good user.  I seen you on here alot, and if you got to Level 4 that fast, you must be doing something right. Right? :)

  4. Bulldog was great, but Owen was one of the all-time most tlaented hoagies ever seen.  And yes RIP Owen and Bulldog!

    I DO think you're a good hoagie.  You're honest and give up front answers.  I respect that!  Hoagie for you!

  5. probably bulldog becuz he beta bret hart several times the are both outstanding wrestlers though and yes your a great user i joined along time ago and i just got to level 4 your doing great!!

  6. owen hart would have been better in time if his unfortunate accident didn't happen

    you are an excellent user thats why i added you as a contact and you've really earned loads of points this week (1000+)

  7. get more best answers.  That is the idea of a good user

  8. BB, give yourself a pat on the back

  9. First of all, their were 2 British bulldogs. Nothing against Owen Hart, he was a great wrestler , But your putting him in a place he doesn't belong! The British Bulldogs were a packed power house, either one by them selves could of put the whoopin on Owen!

  10. Owen Hart because he's dead!  Wait... so is bulldog...  SO I GUESS I'LL GO WITH OWEN HART!!! He totally deserves to be in the hall of fame!

    You are the greatest user of all time!

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