
Who was the bigger person, Hillary for extenting her hand, or Obama for rejecting hers?

by Guest66430  |  earlier

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Clarification----it was on the news this morning---that Obama ignored her! And his move away wasn't very Presidential.




  1. She didn't extend her hand to him, she extended it to Ted Kennedy.

  2. Hilary was actually placing her hand out for Ted  Kennedy... Obama was turning around to shake someone else's hand... how could you not see this...

  3. If Hillary extended her hand it was probably palm up like it was for Norman Hsu and Johnny Chang. Didn't you think it was a bit hypocritical of her slamming Obama for his relationship with the slumlord when she's been taking money illegally from all these mysterious Chinamen?

  4. Obama by a long shot.

    Hillary didn't extend her hand until she realized rthat the voters

    were being antagonized by Bill and her nasty lies and typical dirty politics. Only then did she shut Bill down and try to make nice. By then she had done Obama a lot of damage and a lot of good. She kept him busy defending against Bill's ( her hatchett man) lies and insinuations instead of putting out his own message.

    When Hillary tried to make nice in order to assuage the voters Obama saw no reasono play her game by pretending they were good buddies.

    He knows that Billary will be at the same game again when it suits them.

    Just for the h**l of it, I am a Republican and won't vote for either of them but Billary is slimy and Obama seems to be an honest sincere man.

  5. Look again.  Hillary and Obama ignored one another. It was Ted Kennedy who reached out to shake Hillary's  hand.  Put your money out there... I would win that bet, double or nothing.  Like I say... take another look.  Probably don't want to, do you?

    Clarification... from LAURIE KELLMAN, Associated Press Writer ......Washington        "   Nonetheless, Kennedy reached out to shake Clinton's hand when she came up the aisle. Clinton took Kennedy's hand. They shook. Obama had turned away."

    "After the speech, Bush shook Obama's hand but not Clinton's."

  6. No way really???!!!!  I didn't know that happened!  If so, what a jerk of Obama!

  7. I be afraid she had one of those James  Bond rings with the poison injector.

  8. I would imagine that neither wants to touch the other but here is the story link. I do think Hillary was definitely the bigger man though.

  9. Hillary raised her arm in n**i fashion, I would reject it too.

  10. Obama didn't reject her hand, she went to extend it to kennedy while Obama was turned and talking to someone who had asked him a question...

  11. obama was in the wrong totally because if you watched the news the clips clearly showed senator clinton shaking senator kennedys hand and then trying to shake senator obamas hand when he noticed and look(per media coverage senator obama turned his back) and the look on his face was a look of disgust.

    but the question is do you know who really reached out if not dont bet on it or youll be sorry. no one knows for sure all they know is what the news is showing.

  12. I think that Hillary was trying to get Obama to accept her hand as away to draw him in to her lieing ways

  13. Hillary is a gracious lady.

  14. The question is simple to answer-neither would ignore the other on purpose especially in public view. It is amazing to me how people like Manyd K seem to take a simple question and use it to vent about something completely different just because they are obsessed with it. Why don't you migrate to another site where they are actually talking about US foreign policy? Bud-

  15. Sorry I missed

    I'd say Hillary is the man in this situation. "IF" she extended her hand, Obama should be a gentleman and return the gesture.

    I'm not a big Hillary fan.. but I think she gets bashed a lot for the sins and mistakes of her husband.

  16. I would pay good money to watch them both have their hands cut off :)

  17. Fundamentally flawed question, this is just more BS from the Hillary camp. Check the video that's not what happened. I agree with Bud, questions like these are used to tear down one person without justification. This type of dis-information was also used by the n***s in WWII, sad company to keep. Obama is the bigger man because what he has said all along has not changed and is all true, he is consistent and won't stoop to the Clinton's level while campaigning for office.

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