
Who was the first emporer of india?

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Who was the first emporer of india?




  1. Asoka.

    I know, I watched the movie!

    Alright but seriously though; in remote ancient times, there was no concept of "India."  The Indian subcontinent was actually at one time, splintered into 50 kingdoms, each of them with their own culture, religious traditions, etc.  Northern India, was conquered by a wave of invaders from Iran, from which we get the term "Aryan" but not the fictitious blonde people Hitler talked about.

    The true Aryans were actually tall and dark skinned, not as dark as the people of India but still pretty dark by European standards.  They were a warrior society, similar to the Celts, in that most men were warriors, and some men were priests, like the Druids of Britain.  Their "druids" became the Brahmin caste, they themselves established themselves of course as the ruling Shatriya, and their conquered subjects were each designated their caste.

    The origin of the Dalit, or the untouchable caste, is rooted in that the invading Aryans were not invincible.  Even though they made a juggernaut advance all the way to the cone of India, there they were stopped by a Tamil King, whose armies of elephants literally squashed the invaders.  The Tamil people of southern India are actually fiercely proud of their heritage, and they have been the most outspoken voice against the caste system stating that it is an idea "foreign to this continent" because it is!  It was taken there by the invading Aryans, it is not an idea native to India proper.

    Because the Tamil kingdom inflicted countless defeats against the Shatriya, in their religion, they were demonized, and any they took prisoner they relegated as "outcaste."  Hence the origin of the Dalit.  Northern Indians, demonized southern Indians, and made them as "outside any caste," because like all warrior societies they were also fiercely proud and warriors well, don't like to lose.  And hey, Shatriya's may be tall but still not as tall as an elephant!

    Around the 300's B.C., eventually the Shatriya managed to conquer the entire Indian subcontinent, through espionage, bribes, trickery and seduction, a king was murdered, and his family held prisoner at Shatriya palaces.  It was during this time actually that Sidhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism, was born.

    Eventually, Asoka was born, starting out life as a virtual slave living in deep misery, he vowed revenge against the Aryans, in a vicious and bloody war reconquered for his people most of the southern Indian cone, although he was never able to reconquer the north.  As he got older, the influence of a Buddhist monk made it so that he became more and more of a pacifist in his later years and he calmed down.

    Southern India's culture remains distinct from that of the north's, largely because of Asoka, also, had it not been for Asoka, the so-called "Dalit" or "outcastes" may have forgotten their real identity.  The reason the people of southern India, have raised the biggest stink regarding the Dalit, is because the Dalit are their people, they are Tamil, just like, well, the Tamils.

    Descendants of Tamils that the Shatriya originally enslaved, and kept in a state of misery for centuries.

    India, because it is home to not a small handful, but several ancient cultures, has been ripped apart by civil war more than once.  It was during one of these many internal conflicts, that the British were able to conquer India with the help, largely, of the Shatriya but Shatriya not allied with them, they treated with equal contempt and cruelty as the rest of India, ironically enough becoming a unifying force for the country.

    The great majority of modern educated Indians, Shatriya and Tamil alike, intermarry freely now, despite criticism from rural Indians still mired in old traditions.  It is not uncommon anymore, to see a Dalit man married to a Shatriya woman, or vice a versa.  Provided they live in large cities and received a modern education that is.

    Recently in India there has been a movement to, for good, unify the country, but too many people, though a minority are "caste conscious."  The only reason the country holds together so well, it is because it is ruled by Muslims; most of India's parlaiment is helmed by Muslims whose ancestors hail from one of the many "stan" countries neighboring India please don't ask me to name them all please.

    Because ethnically and religously, they are more or less a "neutral party," they have become the defacto referees with anything involving caste conflict, why, with some Shatriya still being disgustingly rich, while most Dalit still remain pathetically poor outside the Tamil region of India.  Generally, the Dalit caste are only treated as full equals in southern India, in the north they are still treated like c**p.  The great majority of westerners, also, I do not think comprehend just how deep those prejudices go, so there is no easy solution.

    Between the Shatriya being ferociously proud of their heritage, their very religion teaching them that the Dalit are not even human, and the Dalit themselves having zero faith in themselves outside the Tamil region, any significant change is unlikely to happen any time soon.  Westerners who work for the peace corps are naive if they think their effort makes any difference, ultimately that is a problem that the Indians themselves are going to have to fix.

    If India had a "first emperor," someone who ruled the largest bulk of the continent at any single time it would have to be Asoka, but he was of Tamil, not Shatriya origin, in other words a true, home grown native Indian.

    Understandably, northern Indians portray Asoka as a bloodthirsty tyrant, while in the Tamil region he is more or less a demigod, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and King Arthur put together.

    sorry I could not be of much help; I am only about 40% confident of the information I gave you.

    You need reliable answers to your questions, spend the 500 clams it takes to subscribe to Encyclopedia Britanica or the World Book Encyclopedia, both excellent sources.

    good luck.

  2. idk about an emperor, but I STILL AM the EMPRESS of india lolz

  3. king Ashoka.........bu bye.

  4. Asoka. He is not just the first emperor, but also one of the greatest emperors India had

  5. THE MAURYAS, c.322-184 BC


    (Gk. Sandrokotos) c.322-301

    Bindusâra 301-269

    Ashoka 269-232

    Kunala ? 232-225

    Dasharatha 232-225

    Samprati 225-215

    Shâlishuka 215-202


    Devavarman 202-195


    Shatadhanvan 195-187

    Br.hadratha 187-185

  6. The greatest Emperor was Ashoka..!

    First one means..King Bharathan..!

    (As per Mahabharatha epic..)

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