
Who was the first female president in the world?

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I need this information fast, thanks




  1. Google it smartie pants!

  2. Mrs Thatcher. Well she should have been the female president of the world. Try Ellen Johnson Sirloaf.

  3. Cleopatra, if we can consider "president" as "manager of the country"

  4. well I'm assuming your avatar name "Smartie pants" is false information.... am I correct?!?!?!

    and as for the question... I don't know.

  5. Marcus,the Phillipines.

  6. Here are 2 lists for you.

  7. The first woman Head of Government (Prime Minister in the parliamentary system there) was Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike of Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon, an island south of India). Her first of 3 tenures as PM began way back in 1960.

  8. lol agreed

  9. First female president in the world.

    Marma Estela ''isabel'' martizez cartas de peron of Argentina was the first woman president in the world from 74-76 after her husband died.

    First elected female president was  Vigdis Finnbogadsttir of iceland from 80-96.

  10. It's got to be one of the queens of England


    Who you got me but just think about it how many queens of England have there been with out a man by her side


  11. There have been many female leaders in the world if you include Queens and Empresses. In my life time I remember Golda Meir of Israel as a stand out modern female leader.

    Queen Boudica of the English Celts is one of my favorites from History.

  12. Well countries have different titles for government leaders.    But i think India was, but the phillipines had one too so you'll have to look it, ask jeeves even yahoo search.

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