
Who was the first monarch of britain?

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and how did they come to hold power in the first place?




  1. James I of Great Britian (AKA James VI of Scotland) was the first monarch of the whole island.

    He inherited the Scotish throne from his mother, Mary Queen of Scots, and the English throne from her killer (and his cousin), Elizabeth I.

  2. The first Monarch of all of Britain was James VI and I (He was James VI of Scotland and James I of England). The first Monarch titled Queen of Great Britain was Queen Anne, the last Stuart Monarch (she was the great-granddaughter of James VI and I).

    To Note - previous posters have said the Romans - this is incorrect, the northern border of the Roman Empire was Hadrian's Wall so Scotland  was never under Roman Rule.

  3. I think the first time Britain was united was under the Romans, so it would be one of the Roman Emperors.

  4. The first king of the 'Windsor' line, which is the monarchy that rules Britain at the moment was William the Conquerer.  He come to power after defeating King Harold at the famous Battle of Hastings in 1064.  For more information on the entire history of the monarchy see:

  5. The first monarch would have been a now unknow man who could beat everybody else to a bloody pulp.The pity is it all happened so long ago no one knows who he was

  6. The Cradle King: The Life of James VI and I, the First Monarch of a United Great Britain

    As the son of Mary Queen of Scots, born into her 'bloody nest,' James had the most precarious of childhoods. Even before his birth, his life was threatened: it was rumored that his father, Henry, had tried to make the pregnant Mary miscarraige by forcing her to witness the assasination of her supposed lover, David Riccio. By the time James was a one-year-old, Henry was murdered, possibly with the connivance of his mother, Mary was in exile in England and he was King of Scotland. By the age of five, he had experienced three different regents as the ancient dynasties of Scotland battled for power and made him a virtual prisoner in Stirling Castle. In fact, James did not set foot outside the confines of Stirling until he was eleven, when he took control of the country. But even with power in his hands, he would never feel safe. For the rest of his life, he could be caught up in bitter struggles between the warring political and religious factions who fought for control over his mind and body.

  7. George Washington

  8. Queen Boadicea. Edit..... to the thumbs down,she was born into a Royal family around 26 AD in, I think Norfolk.

  9. Actually it was a Holy Roman Emperor... who took over the british isle's.

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