
Who was the first person to break your heart?

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What would you say to them now?




  1. my father and sister and I would tell them to go to h**l  for their mistreatment of me for 34 years of my life

  2. my ex-best friend

    I wouldn't say anything to her know I forgot about it but I was sad back then

  3. shelby fayette. F*ck you too.

  4. lol..a boy in 2nd grade. that was my "boyfriend"....he moved to cali...without anyone telling me.

  5. A guy.

    I forgive you.

  6. S

    You should have given us a chance  

  7. my oldest daughters father. i tell him to f*ck off whenever he pisses me off...ppl say hate is a strong word, but it isn't strong enuff to use on him!

  8. My ex-fiancee. I'd punch him in the head

  9. a guy. and no i'm not telling you who.

    i wouldn't say anything to them now, they don't even know i exist.

  10. Benjamin

    there's nothing left to say

  11. as a child you always feel like someone broke your heart b/c of a crush etc. but truly- first person who broke my heart- a guy i dated age 23-about ten yrs ago. he really hurt my feelings and my heart. i didn't necessarily love him per se, but had strong feelings for him and he crushed me emotionally- bad. it still hurts. as far as what i'd say? he actually called me several yrs later randomly to apologize b/c some girl broke his heart over the same reason why he broke mine.

  12. Can't remember.

  13. Blake Lewis.  He has all the celebrity girls and I'm left outta it....=(

    I would tell him I'm free any day... ;-)

  14. One of my friend's on Y!A.

    I would tell him "I found someone BETTER, MATURE, and KIND than YOU STUPID COCKY SELF!"

    Sorry for the language, it was just this summer it happened.

  15. Colleen Casey. saw her many years later looked like someone rode her hard and put her away wet.


  16. Well considering my first hear break was at 4th period today, i would pretty much say:

    F**K YOU!

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