
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, 'I think I'll squeeze these dangly things here and drink

by  |  earlier

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whatever comes out? and better yet, why??




  1. LOL!  Well, I think it wa smore or less that fact that someone saw that the calf drinks the milk and grow healthy and strong, so I guess they figure a human would too.

  2. The 1st calf by instinct,  The 1st fluid that comes out after the birth of a calf is colostrum which contains immunoglobulins for the baby's immunity.  

    Why:  It's using common sense from seeing the calves suckling

    from their mothers' utters.

    Why not??

  3. That is very funny. They probably put 2 and 2 together when they saw their own kids tugging at mom, and baby calves tugging at their mom. It is a bit of a stretch though.

  4. We were breast-fed until we were 3; we would say "mom milk". When we visited a farm, my brother said. Mommy I want "cow milk". Ran underneath the cow and started sucking. IT WAS SO FUNNY!

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