
Who was the first to discover the planets in solar system?

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a) indians b)greek




  1. Ah, I'd say the first ppl on earth probably discovered the first planet.


  3. greek.

  4. b)greek

  5. mayans

  6. greek

  7. people say greek....but it seems like copernicus

  8. i think niether....

  9. Greeks i guess.

    But then again i would have said Jesus/GOD/Adam and Eve.

    or even the dinosaurs.

  10. Some caveman who looked up and noticed that some of the stars were in different placed relative to the rest every night.

  11. There is some evidence that the Indians knew that the planets were in the solar system (and not just "wandering stars") around 4500 BC.  This is certain by 1350 BC.  By 500 BC, Aryabhata had figured out that the planets orbited the Sun and not the Earth.

    The Greeks, on the other hand, didn't have this level of knowledge until around 380 BC; and they  didn't consider Sun-centered systems until around 280 BC.

  12. i wonder,Galileo.

  13. greeks

  14. It is known that the ancient Sumerians had a good knowledge of the planets. They were around from the 6th millennium B.C. to the 4th Millennium B.C. There are pictographs that show a central circle surrounded by several other smaller circles in an orbital pattern, which many researches have determined to be a model of the solar system. Know also note that the Sumerians were labeled as the first people to establish a written language. So it could be debated that the planets were known about before, but as far as solid proof is concerned I would have to give it to the Sumerians.

  15. Greeks as we know by history, but myth says, zorastrians, or the zorabs, the started worshiping fire after knowing the importance of sun and studied the solar system, the planets and the satilites

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