
Who was the genius who coined the phrase " homophobic"?

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If my latin is still good, homo is a prefix meaning man, and Phobic is the fear of. The fear of man? If I don't like homosexuality, what does that have to do with fear. I don't disagree with the lifestyle because it scares me. I just think it is a perversion.




  1. The term homophobia was coined in 1972 by George Weinberg in his book "Society and the Healthy Homosexual"

    He stated that a it is "A phobia about homosexuals….It was a fear of homosexuals which seemed to be associated with a fear of contagion, a fear of reducing the things one fought for—home and family. It was a religious fear and it had led to great brutality as fear always does."

    There is a lot of controversy concerning the term homophobic. For exactly the reason that you've stated. There have been other terms that have been used to define what you are describing above such as heterosexism and homonegativity. These two terms just have not caught on as much of homophobia. I honestly do not know why that is. Possibly the media hasn't circulated those two terms as much as the other.  

  2. Because homophobia is actually not the fear of homosexuals, it is the fear of homosexuality itself. So you saying you are scared of the "lifestyle" is scary makes you afraid of homosexuality and so you are homophobic.

    But I honestly think that heterosexism is a better term. Homophobia does have too many loopholes. People can just say, "I'm not homophobic, I just don't like g**s." Heterosexism covers anyone who is anything against homosexuality. However in the context of "homophobia" you are homophobic.

    Also, you don't come to a g*y forum and say it is a perversion. It might be your opinion, but you need to keep your negativity to yourself.

    Now I have a question for you: Why is it that people against homosexuality can say whatever they want about homosexuality and reinforce whatever they say with, "I'm just expressing my opinion." But when a homosexual says something about it, they are being accused of "promoting the homosexual agenda"?

    In fact I'm going to ask that in a seperate question:;...

  3. Many words change their meaning through the centuries, and this is no exception. Forget about the literal translation because we all know what we mean by the word "homophobic".

    EDIT       "Phobic" is Greek, not Latin, and "homo" as a meaning of "same" as in "homogenius" so I suspect this form of "homo" may be Greek as well.

  4. You're entitled to your pathetic opinion, but your etymology is completely wrong.  Like Pete stated, Homo means "same" and Phobia is greek for "fear of".  

    So if you're going to try to insult us, at least come to us with SOME intelligence.  Thanks.  

  5. You are correct about the Latin prefix of "homo" meaning "man," but in the word "homosexual," the "homo" prefix isn't the Latin.  Rather, it is the Greek, which means "same."  Thus, "homosexual" means "same s*x" rather than "man s*x."

    As for who coined the word "homophobic," I see that portion has already been answered (above).  Perhaps you would prefer the alternative word "heterosexist."


    EDIT: Hi Joeyboy!  Welcome back!  I was wondering where you were!  (I'll be gone myself in another 10 days - off to the USA for 2 weeks)

  6. Well, I am sure for you having any relationship with same s*x would be perversion. For them having any relations with same s*x is perversion. People are different. And about Homo... In Latin it can mean 2 things "Earthling", referring to human or "Same". Neither, in conjunction with phobia makes much sense when describing a fear of homosexuality.

  7. That's like a claustrofobian saying that he does not disagree with spaces because they're small, but just because it's perverted.

    Or thinking that blue eyes are a perversion.

    You are a homophobic alright :)

  8. I think the more appropriate term would be "heterosexist", because as you have pointed out, you think homosexuality is a perversion, and therefore the assumption is that you think heterosexuality is the "normal" sexual variation and think it is above the other forms of sexual orientations like homosexuality and bisexuality. (Someone already answered your question as to who coined the term, above.)

    I deliberately used the terms "you THINK it's a perversion" because that is an opinion and not a fact. If you want to discuss medical facts, as well as the organizations who think there is absolutely nothing "wrong" with homosexuality, you need only look up the websites/key words of the American Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association and the American Medical Association, just to start you off. I think they will be sufficient (as well as a springboard for further research) in telling you, unconditionally, that there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.

    Yes, you are entitled to your opinion. That does not make it factual nor correct.

    EDIT: Hi, David! I've been gone for so long! How are you, my dear friend? We originally planned a trip to Taiwan, but we decided on the last minute to get a booking for Singapore instead. =( I hope this finds you well!

  9. dont know who coined the term but its not necessarily a direct consequence of its definition. i.e. the word phobia is attached to a certain subject matter, to define fear or hatred of a certain issue, the word used from the subject matter is shortened or applied in a manner that defines the overall meaning. so the word "homo" in this case doesnt entirely refer to the word "Man" but to the definition of homosexuality.

    But what the *** do i know?! arachnophobia...g*y pple got nothin over spiders!!!!  

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