
Who was the greater evil - Hitler or Stalin?

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Childishly simplistic question maybe but try to argue your case with some well-researched evidence.




  1. Stalin

  2. Absolutely NOT childish nor simplistic.

    Probably one of the most often debated subject on this site at least.

    My input is simply that Stalin murdered his own people - as well as millions of others. Hitler tended to concentrate on others - except for Germany's Jews, Homosexuals, Communists,,,

    Both were the personification of evil - very similar in their aims. Hitler was just a little more sneaky and smart at the start anyway. Stalin didn't care, because no one was looking. If Hitler hadn't been psychotic, he COULD have accomplished great things. Instead, he is responsible for the murders of millions.

  3. Hitler was more evil. If you exclude all non-Jewish civilian deaths in areas occupied by Germany, you can say Stalin was responsible for more deaths. But it is obvious, from their own plans, that had the Germans won Hitler would have killed more people than Stalin ever dreamed of. The plan for occupation of the Eastern territories (basically the former Soviet Union) called for a native population of about 50 million to work as slave labor on German farms. Given the pre-war population of the area, that's well in excess of 100 million people that would have been killed to reach the target population.

    Stalin was a terrible man, but his goal was to take a country just out of the middle ages and turn it into a modern industrial power, and he was largely successful, although the human cost was staggering.

    But for Hitler, wiping entire races and cultures from the earth wasn't a means to an end, it was the end.  

  4. Hitler

  5. Well, Hitler probably because he directly killed millions of jews. Also by starting world war 2, he also caused the death of hundreds of millions Europeans. Then in the end... he totally failed to achieve his goals.

    Stalin... also ordered the deaths of hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) of people who disagreed with him. Also he indirectly, through famine killed millions more. I think that Stalin however, in the end did much more good that Hitler. I mean he did manage to make Soviet Union a super power.

    yeh JPA has the best answer basically

    Also keep this in mind, i heard in an interview on the History Channel when Stalin died, much of Russia was crying even though he murdered them and forced many of them into slavery.

  6.     Stalin. He killed more and did so more indiscriminately. Hitler chose precisely who to eradicate from his view of a perfect world. I think people are more scared and spiteful of Hitler because a man like them is fearful to them. Someone who believes so deeply in his mission, who was so gifted he turned the most modern nation at the time into his personal tool for a crusade to attempt to cleanse the genepools and erect a new world.  

  7. Hitler by a mile.

    Stalin did cause the deaths of up to 2.5mill through the purges, and a the same again in the Holodomor - the Ukrainian famine in the 1930s.  But, he never tried to eradicate an entire people from the face of the Earth.

    Hitler tried to wipe out the European Jews, and the European Gypsies, he also was intent on the enslavement of the Slavs, Poles, Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians etc.  And he used industrial methods to try tocomplete this grim task.

    And Stalin was on the winning side in WWII - the Western Allies would not have won without the USSR's massive blood sacrifice.

  8. not childish at all

    In terms of sheer body count, Stalin was vastly more gruesome than Hitler. An estimated 20 million Soviets perished under his reign, and that's not including the deaths caused by the n***s. Stalin had his own concentration camps, called Gulags, and were also the source of untold misery by Stalin's political opponents.

    However, Hitler's evil was more insidious, more subtle. While Stalin preached Communism as a destruction of the old ways, it actually held little appeal for most people, as most people worshipped Stalin as the Tsar instead of as the comrade. Meanwhile, Fascism was touted as a return to the old ways and as a sort of evolution of them. Fascism held very wide appeal and almost all Western nations had a fascist presence within them until WWII. In this way, Fascism could have done what Communism could never do. Instead of subverting a 3rd of the world's poorest, it would have subverted the upper eschelon of the world's richest, and the poorest would have soon followed. History afterwards would have become quite dark, indeed.

  9. Stalin technically killed more people. But I would look at it this evil as Hitler was, it apparently would have taken someone even more evil to take him out: Stalin

  10. It depends on your criteria.  If you go by who caused more deaths, Stalin wins easily.  However, Hitler was deliberately cruel in his mass murders; but more to the point corrupted the soul of a nation by turning his own people against one another.  Except for the size of the territory and resources he commanded, Stalin was not appreciably different from any number of other ruthless dictators.

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