
Who was the idiot that coined the phrase manny being manny

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i dont get why everything he does is funny and histerical but jose reyes is yelled at for making handshakes




  1. Meh.. it's not cute anymore.  

  2. all i can say is without him bosox will not win any championships... he may be a distraction but exchanging him for an average player will not help the bosox win a world series this year... its sad it had 2 end this way, manny and the management help each other 2 win championships together but my point here is if the sox wont replace manny to a player at his level, they have no chance of repeating...

  3. I think Manny himself coined that phrase. I always thought it should have been "Manny being an A Hole" anyway.

  4. I heard Coco Crisp is going to grow his hair long & he will become Mini- Manny.

  5. im a huge sox fan and i couldnt be happier manny got traded ok we got a little ripped in terms of talent but hes just a huge trouble off the field

  6. I don't think everything that Manny does is funny. Most of what he does is disgraceful, just like some of the stuff that Jose does.  Somebody just thought of it, just like someone thinks of a nickname. Maybe Manny coined it so people just disregard what he does as "Manny being Manny"

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