
Who was the lady they dragged off? I know she was "static" but was she a war mom or something?

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I thought that security guard was gonna swipe her until he realized he was on camera.




  1. I was hoping for some tazer action.

  2. I think she was a protester. Not sure though...

    Obama 08

  3. Just some dem hag who busted in under false pretenses.

  4. that's what i was thinking... probably a protester.

  5. You are so right! I thought she was about to get wacked until he realized the camera was on him instead of McCain.  How did so many protesters get in unnoticed.  The woman in the pink dress was the one I thought you were talking about, and there was the woman in red and a woman in black and then the vets in black Tshirts and I couldn't read any of the clothing well. Just I knew all the men in black t shirts said something like bad vets against?  How I can see it somewhere.

  6. A Code Pink protester.  

  7. I don't know, I am more of a moderate but people like her make me kinda sick. I find it hilarious that these people claim to be "fighting" for a cause or something and they use idiotic means and violence themselves to try to get their point across. I consider them an embarrassment. There are more mature ways to behave. Protesting is one thing but you don't get arrested for being peaceful.  

  8. someone with no life

  9. A code pink Soros puppet...

    In other words..a far left protester.

  10. I didn't see the whole thing, did that really happen? It'll probably be on YouTube pretty soon...

  11. I'm not going to paint that woman as being a Democrat or even a leftist nut. However, she is an unpatriotic individual with obviously no respect for our political system. There is a time and a place to exercise your right to freedom of speech, without interfering with the rights of others, and obviously the middle of Sen. McCain's speech was not that time.

    McCain/Palin 2008!

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