
Who was the last king/queen of Britian to rule with an absolute monarchy.?

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Who was the last king/queen of Britian to rule with an absolute monarchy.?




  1. In Britain there is no written constitution, and the only person who is sworn by law to govern the country is the monarch, this means that theortically the queen could sack the government and rule by herself. The reason this does not happen is that British monarchs have over the centuries alloowed freedom for the people to grow, and that is how we got to where we are today in terms of how the country is run. The queen does not choose to use all the power available to her but in theory if she did it would be pretty much absolute.

       The last monarch to rule without a Prime Minister was Queen Anne 1702 to 1714. She was teh last person to use the royal veto against a bill that parliament had passed. Elizabeth II still has this right as do many other heads of state but she is a supporter of democracy so would not consider enforcing this right. More recently though William IV 1830 to 1837 was the last monarch to dissolve parliament without being asked by the prime minister to do so.

        Some of the Queens rights have been used in her reign however, when Britain went to war with Argentina in 1982 the queen had signed the declaration of war even before parliament was consulted, so we were at war before a discussion could take place aboput it. The Queen is head of other countries aswell, former members of the British Empire, one such nation is Australia, and their Prime Minister Gough Williams was sacked by the Queen's official representative in Australia, a tangible reminder of royal authority even today.

  2. James II

  3. One of the Stuarts. Queen Anne was the last monarch to refuse Royal Assent to a parliamentary bill.

  4. King George III.

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