
Who was the last person to see you completely...?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Cannot recall...Cindy?...George?...Mr Thompson? boss?...

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  2. That would be my husband.

  3. The love of my life, Streakin Deacon

  4. some random guy who's name i don't even know............that was in a pool changing room by the way.

  5. My Ex b/f . ( Don't ask )

  6. my husband

  7. Probably my brother or my dog.

    Both of them are equally weird...

  8. My parents when I was a little baby! I am 28yrs old now and nobody has seen me starkers since, YET!

  9. My husband.

  10. My girlfriend is the only one who has seen me starkers for years.

  11. a hook-up about 2 months ago

  12. My g/f this morning.

  13. my 2year old came storming into the bathroom this morning just as i was going in a shower! lol i dont kno what was worse him seeing me or him shouting nipples!!!!

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