
Who was the man of GOD in the OT that was a drunkard that slept with his two daughters?

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Who was the man of GOD in the OT that was a drunkard that slept with his two daughters?




  1. Noah

  2. Wow. I have no idea. Looking forward to seeing the answer.  

  3. Bush

  4. It was Lot.  Lot's wife got turned into salt while they were leaving Sodom + Gomorrah, as those cities were being destroyed.  Lot went to live in a cave with his 2 daughters.

    The daughters may have thought it was the end of civilization, because they got Lot drunk and had s*x with him, trying to keep the family line going and repopulate the planet, perhaps.

    Lot wasn't really a "drunkard", his daughters forced the wine on him.

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