
Who was the most corrupt U.S. President in history and why?

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Who was the most corrupt U.S. President in history and why?




  1. Nixon. So far he is the only president to be convicted of a felony. And he lied about it!


    Reagan is corrupt? Oh lord the quality of history education in this country!

  2. I would have to say Harry S. Truman... The reason... Well he did bomb Hiroshima causing thousands of civilian deaths... But on the other hand he did stop the war from going any further.

  3. Hoover was because he led us into the great depression

  4. Nixon ... bah what a crook  

  5. Georgie Bush  

    The loser we have in office.  

  6. Bush....

    He burned through a federal surplus in 6 months making us all pay more in taxes...

    He lied about WMD in Iraq and is responsible for the death of thousands of young Americans...

    He and Rice ignored warnings about the World Trade Center.

  7. bush . both of them. but we wont know until he is safe in n**i war criminal Paraguay,

  8. Andrew Jackson, the president responsible for the trail of tears.

    Sorry, Dubya is about fourth place for me.

    1. Jackson  2. Nixon  3. Reagen  4. Dubya  5.Grant

  9. Grant!

    "Propelled into the White House by his battlefield success, Grant lacked the political skills to deal with the issues of the era: reconstructing the South and managing the nation's rapidly expanding economy. His two terms were rocked by bitter racial conflict and corruption scandals. Seven years after leaving office, Grant was financially ruined by the collapse of an investment house in which he had placed his assets. He spent his final days in a race against time as he battled cancer while finishing his epic war memoirs."

  10. Reagan!  He loved them Jelly Bellys and dang so do I!  It's a conspiracy I say :)

  11. W.  easy.

    He sent thousands of men to die so he and his friends could make massive amounts of money.

    Jackson was awful

    Nixon while a crook really did not benefit from his crimes, like bush has.

  12. 1. Lyndon Baines Johnson let American navymen die when Israel mistakenly attacked an american ship

  13. Truman was a weasel, lowest rated president in history.  Truman, all by himself got us into the Korean war.

    He went against every Generals recommendation (all the Generals were against the bomb)  and used the bomb. He lied about the target of the atomic bombings calling Hiroshima a 'military target' which is like calling Memphis a military target because there a base there.

    He tried to hide the casualties from the public until an English (the man Australian, the paper English) snuck in and reported the true results to a horrified world. Herbert Hoover said The use of the bomb against women and children "sickened his soul."

    He oversaw the most brutal and pointless slaughter of civilians in history killing hapless Japanese who were themselves victims of a fascist government long after they were defenseless  - dropping napalm on every city in japan. I hope he's in h**l.
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