
Who was the most cruel n heartless person the world has seen?

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  1. I was about to answer and then I read your "more info"... Hmm, maybe Stalin... Yeah, Stalin.

  2. Vlad the Impaler,he was the inspiration for Dracula.

  3. Mao, or Stalin, or the wartime, warmongering Churchill. The arrogant, corrupt British Empire is responsible for 2 World Wars, both times declaring war on Germany. The Kaiser never wanted war with Britain, and Hitler wanted both England and Poland as allies. His enemy was the murderous, diabolical Judeo-Bolshevism in Russia.

    Notes aside. The Spanish (Catholic) Inquisition may be responsible for a sum total of 3000 deaths. Much worse was the Protestant Inquisition, which is responsible for 150,000 deaths, mostly Catholics.

  4. My math teacher. Haha.

  5. Mr Burns.

  6. rather a crowd competing for the position- Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Khomeini, Saddam, Idi Amin, Mugabe, Himmler

    Add whoever is in charge of CHina today

  7. So many: Joseph Stalin, the Catholic Church during the Spanish Inquisitions (killed almost as many people as the Black Plague), the founding fathers of America killed thousands and thousands of Native Americans, Holy Roman Empire, Pol Pot, Chairman Mao, Saddam Hussein, Vlad the Impaler, and the list goes on and on....

  8. The most cruel has yet to come.

  9. Pizzaro

  10. Stalin

  11. judge jan krocker

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