
Who was the most powerful in the 16th-17th century- Ottomans, Mughuls or Safavids?

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Who was the most powerful in the sixteenth-seventeenth century- the Ottomans, the Mughuls or the Safavids? I am writing a 1 page answer and would like to know other people's opinions, thanks. My personal choice is the Mughuls, but I might be very wrong :)




  1. Personally i believe it was the Ottomans because of the Turkish revolution, but thats an opinion


  2. That's a tough one. I would have to say the Ottomans. they lasted the longest and they captured the city of Constantinople a century before and were a threat to Europe.  Its really an opinionated question

  3. I think it was the ottomans, they were  more advanced  in military, and one of the reasons for this is that, they were more closer to Europe and therfore they used gun powder before the Safavids of Persia and the Mughals of India.

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