
Who was the real father of Muweeya Ibne Hind?

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Mu'awiya bin Hind was the product of Nikah Ijtimah (Combined Nikah)

Ibn Abi al Hadeed in Sharh Nahjul Balagha notes the following in Volume 10 page 130:

"When Mu'awiya was born, four people were thought to have been his father Abi bin Umar bin Musaafir, Abi Umar bin Waleed, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Sabah the Ethiopian. 'Abu Sufyan was short and ugly whilst Sabah was young and handsome, Hinda offered him s*x and amongst the Arabs there was also a view that 'Abu Sufyan's other son Utbah was also a product of this union".

Similarly in Rabi'ul Abrar by Allamah Zamakhshari Volume 3 page 551:

"There were four people who were thought to be Mu'awiya's father, Abi bin Umar bin Musaafir, Abi Umar bin Waleed, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Sabah"

Rabi'ul Abrar by Allamah Zamakhshari Volume 3 page 551

In Tadkhirath al Khawwas page 114 Chapter 7 we read:

"Sham bin Muhammad Kalbi in his book Kitab Mushab notes that Imam Hasan said to Mu'awiya 'Are you aware of the bed from which you was conceived?' This means he was born from four fathers".

In Thanzeeya al Nasab fi Kubul al Arab we learn that:

"In relation to the birth of Mu'awiya, four men were viewed to have been his father Umr bin Waleed bin Mugheera, Musaafir Abi Umar, 'Abu Sufyan and a forth individual was also involved. Hinda was a prostitute and had s*x with black men, if any children were born from such a union she would kill them."

We read Sharh Ibn al Hadeed Volume 4 page 94 under the Chapter "Mun Kitab Ziyad Ubayya" that:

"Mu'awiya wrote a letter to Ziyad, the contents of which included the words 'O son of Sumayya' (amongst the Arabs there was a tradition that if one's ancestry was questionable, then that individual would be called by their mother's name. In the same way that Imam Hasan referred to Marwan as 'Ibn Zurqa'- Mu'awiya sought to mock Ziyad by calling him the son of Sumayya…Ziyad replied to Mu'awiya with these words 'Mu'awiya you called me by the name of my mother Sumayya, so as to mock me, well if I am the son of Sumayya then you are 'Ibne Jamaat' as you was a product of Nikah ijtimah".

Muasalib ibne Sa'man munkool uz thun'zeey al Nasab page 97 that:

"Research has established that Musafir was a handsome and generous man, he fell in love with Hinda and fornicated with her, she was unmarried and became pregnant, this came to the knowledge of the Quraysh and Musafir ran away. Hinda's father Utbah summoned Mu'awiya's father Abu Sufyan - bribing with a huge dowry, he married him to Hinda. Mu'awiya was born three months after the marriage."

We read in al-Nasa'ih al-Kaafiyah page 85 we read:

Musafir was a handsome, generous man - he fell in love with the daughter of Utbah, and she fell in love with him. She became pregnant. Maarif Ibne Khurbooz states that when her signs of pregnancy became visible Hinda told Musafir to flee and he made his way out of the city. Naufal states that Musafir was one of those individuals that was killed on account of his love of Hinda.

Hadhrath Ayesha's testimony that Hinda committed Zina

We read in Tadkhira Khawass page 62 Chapter "Dhikr Khwaarij" we read that

"when Mu'awiya's sister Umme Habeeba received news about Muhammad bin Abu Bakr's murder, she sent Ayesha a cooked goat suggesting that the reason for his killing was his murder of Uthman. When this happened Ayesha said "May Allah (swt) kill this daughter of fornicating woman. By Allah! I shall never eat this meat again".




  1. Serious, this is not an attemp to dodge the question becuase personally it is pointless Question.

    But why do you never ask a real Islamic question. Focus on Allah.

  2. and who is your real father?

    we don't consider shiite refernces as true.

    they are full of hatred and lies against the Sahaba! (Ridwan Allah alyhim).

  3. osama,who cares?

    does Islam tell u to judge ppl according to their parents? if a friend of urs,his father was a kaffir or his mum was a hooker,would u hate him for that? would u disrespect him or question his faith for that???

    and we r talking about a friend,not a sahabi...

    i wish u pay more attention to the important stuff in Islam,not digging out  the history of wont make u any good...


    whoever these are,still why do u care?

  4. What are you trying to ask?

  5. Abu-sufyiaan (ra)!!

    Mujjafery, now, it makes no difference who ever was his father!!


    You lied on me by misquoting me ,and many Bor/Sis caught you redhanded

    .U r  a master of misquoting others,

    According to all Muslim scholars Muawiyahh is a sahabi ,so

    we Muslims love him.

    Prophet  (saw ) used to ask him to write Wahi .

    WE don,t care what you Rafidaa say :

    Bcoz your hobby is cursing family and companion of prophet (SAW)...


    Hasan  (RA) gave him pledge alligiance ,and lived for ten years peacfully ,

    See the link how OSAMA the Asker lied about me and made a whole question against me;...

  7. OMG, really ewhhhh, he was a product of zina, no one knows his father wow, i didn't know his mother was hind to, didn't she eat the kidney of Hamza? That is horrible, how can any Muslim like him.

  8. All you have mentioned are lies.  

  9. When Muaweyah was born, four people were thought to have been his father Abi bin Umar bin Musaafir, Abi Umar bin Waleed, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Sabah the Ethiopian. 'Abu Sufyan was short and ugly whilst Sabah was young and handsome, Hinda offered him s*x and amongst the Arabs there was also a view that 'Abu Sufyan's other son Utbah was also a product of this union".

    Sunni reference: Sharh Nahjul Balagha by Ibn Abi al Hadeed Volume 10 page 130

    Sunni scholar Allamah Zamakhshari records the following in his Rabi'ul Abrar:

    "There were four people who were thought to be Muaweyah's father, Abi bin Umar bin Musaafir, Abi Umar bin Waleed, Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib and Sabah"

    Sunni reference: Rabi'ul Abrar by Allamah Zamakhshari Volume 3 page 551

    "Sham bin Muhammad Kalbi in his book Kitab Mushab notes that Imam Hasan said to Muaweyah 'Are you aware of the bed from which you was conceived?' This means he was born from four fathers".

    Sunni reference: Tadkhirath al Khawwas page 114 Chapter 7

    We also learn that Muaweyah's mother Hind was a prostitute:

    "In relation to the birth of Muaweyah, four men were viewed to have been his father Umr bin Waleed bin Mugheera, Musaafir Abi Umar, 'Abu Sufyan and a forth individual was also involved. Hinda was a prostitute and had s*x with black men, if any children were born from such a union she would kill them."

    Sunni reference: Thanzeeya al Nasab fi Kubul al Arab


    We have to tell the truth to people that they shouldnt follow Son of iblees.

  10. These are all lies from Rawaafidh. Most of these books are Raafidhee books, we dont take them as authentic. Notice how the lying Rawaafidh like the questioner and Shiite "muslim" quoted those shee'ee sources like Nahjul Balaagha as "Sunni references"!! None of those books are Sunni book. Absolutely NONE! Nice try Rawaafidh, but you just exposed yourselves more.

    وقال محمد بن سعيد الأصبهاني : ( سمعت شريكاً يقول : احمل العلم عن كل من لقيت إلا الرافضة ، فإنهم يضعون الحديث ويتخذونه ديناً )

    And Muhammad bin Sa’eed al-Asbahaanee said: ((I heard Shareek (Bin Abdillaah, Qaadhee of Koofaa) saying: “Take knowledge from whoever you meet except the Raafidhah, for they fabricate hadeeth and take it as religion))

    You have not quoted a single authentic sunni source here.

    Imaam adh-Dhahabee mentions about Mu'aawiyyah radhiallaahu anhu:

    معاوية بن أبي سفيان  ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚µÃ˜Â®Ã˜Â± بن حرب بن أمية بن عبد شمس بن عبد مناف بن قصي بن كلاب

    Mu'aawiyyah bin Abee Sufyaan Sakhr bin Harb bin Umayyah bin 'Abd ash-Shams bin 'Abd Manaaf bin Qussayy bin Kilaab

    أمير المؤمنين ملك الإسلام أبو عبد الرحمن القرشي الأموي المكي  ÃƒÂ™Ã‚ˆÃ˜Â£Ã™Â…ه هي هند بنت عتبة بن ربيعة بن عبد شمس بن عبد مناف بن قصي  

    Ameer al Mu'mineen, king of Islaam, Aboo 'Abdur Rahmaan al-Qurashee al- Umawee al- Makkee, and his mother she is Hind bint 'Utbah bin Rabee'ah bin 'Abd ash-Shams bin 'Abd Mannaaf bin Qussay.

    قيل إنه أسلم قبل أبيه وقت عمرة القضاء وبقي يخاف من اللحاق بالنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم من أبيه ولكن ما ظهر إسلامه إلا يوم الفتح  

    It is said that he accepted Islaam before his father during the time of 'Umrah al-Qadhaa and he was afraid of harm befalling the Messenger salallaahu alihi wa salam from his father but he did not openly show his Islaam until the Yawm al Fath.

    Rawaafidh just never stop lying.

    Imaam ash-Shaafi’ee amongst other Ulemaa stated that we should not narrate from the Raafidhah Shee’ah as they are amongst the liars as Ibn Taymiyyah reported in his Minhaaj as-Sunnah (1/59 -62):

    وقال مؤمل بن إهاب سمعت يزيد بن هارون يقول يكتب عن كل صاحب بدعة إذا لم يكن داعية إلا الرافضة فإنهم يكذبون

    Mu’mal Ibn Ihaab said: I heard Yazeed Bin Haaroon (d. 206H) saying, ((The narrations of every person of innovation can be written as long as he is not a caller to it, except the Raafidah, since they are liars.))

  11. Don't believe those manufactured lies in these books. Muawiya (RA) was a sahabi of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Both his parents became musilm later on.

    Those books you quoted have so many manufactured stories which have never been verified.  

  12. the great Sahabi Abu Suffiyan(RA)  the sayyid of Quraish

    the prophet gave him a great hounor when he said who go in home of Abu Suffiyan is in Peace  even before he embrace Islam

    the story of his revsion to Islam is great

    we have lesson their the prophet never told him you enter Islam or leave  the prophet didn't put a knife on his neck  (like what anti-islam says)

    so his story should be teach in every place !

    and BTW didn't you just  ask this question few days ago ?

    what a raafidha  loser

  13. One born illegitimately can not be a Khalifa

    Imam of Ahl'ul Sunnah al Muhaddith Shah Waliyullah Dehlavi in his Hujjutul Balaghtha Volume 2 page 149 "Dhikr Khilafath" states:

    "To be a Khalifa one must satisfy the following six requirements, he must be

    1. wise

    2. mature

    3. Free

    4. a Man

    5. Brave

    6. Possess good ancestry"

    On this issue of ancestry Shah states:

    "The Khalifa should be such an individual that people recognise him on account of his good family, and not the opposite where the people would show him disrespect".

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