
Who was the sissy golfer they showed on the news who was crying and whining because he didn't win the masters

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Who was the sissy golfer they showed on the news who was crying and whining because he didn't win the masters




  1. Snedeker was crying from disappointment, no shame in that... I didn't hear whining...  and I'm guessing by your name you may have dabbed a tear or ten in your day.

  2. I agree: Brandt Snedeker. What a baby.

    You didn't see Paul Casey, Steve Flesch or Stewart Cink cry like babies. They ALL had chances to beat Trevor Immelman. Brandt Snedeker is not some young college kid. Once you're out of college, you better be a man.

    Oh wait, he went to Vanderbilt.

    Did you see the Golf Channel biographical piece on this guy? Brandt Snedeker is a spoiled rich kid.

  3. Snedecker. Woods didn't cry; he just put on his usual pouty face.

  4. The emotional release after 4 days of reaching perfection on the course takes its toll on all of them. Playing 5 hours a days at such a high level of concentration does funny things to your emotions, kinda like seeing the Yankees cry after losing the World Series. Now go back to your Barbie dolls.

  5. u r "Girly Man" and calling some one a sissy??????

  6. First of all,he wasn't crying because he didn't win.

    Men do cry sometimes,believe it or not.

    He was upset with himself knowing how close he had come and that it had slipped away.I don't know if have ever played the game or not but the ball can do strange things from time to time.You haven't seen the last of this guy so get over it!

  7. If I made as much money as he did I would be crying also.

  8. that was me

  9. Yea  boo hoo  all the way to the bank . After taxes and expenses it is probably more than you will make in the next 10 years.       Want fries with that ??    Weiner !!

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