
Who was the third king of england?

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Who was the third king of england?




  1. what point in time are you starting from?  1066 or earlier?

    1066--William I, William II, Henry I

    check a previous answer for the kings of Wessex, who eventually became kings of England entirely.

  2. The third King of England was probably Alfred the Great. Many historians agree that Egbert the Saxon, sometimes spelled Ecgberht or Ecgbryh is the first King of England. Has been called "the first king of all England" and "the first king of all the English." Helping to make Wessex such a powerful kingdom that England was eventually unified around it. Because he was accepted as king in Essex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex and for a time also managed to conquer Mercia, he has been called "the first king of all England."

    The crown went to his eldest son, Ethelwulf (Noble Wolf) when he died, who became King of Wessex in 839. The third King of Wessex was Alfred the Great (c. 849 – 26 October 899) from 871 to 899. Alfred is noted for his defence of the kingdom against the Danish Vikings, becoming the only English King to be awarded the epithet "the Great". Alfred was the first King of the West Saxons to style himself "King of the Anglo-Saxons". Alfred was a learned man, and encouraged education and improved his kingdom's law system as well as its military structure.

  3. Where you start counting depends on some factors including what you mean by "England" - - because in long ago history, there were different kingdoms within England which had sometimes influence over wider parts of the land.  

    The Wessex king Egbert (ruled 802-39 AD)  was known as the first King of All England.  If you count from there (as Encyclopedia Britannica does in its list of Monarchs of Britain ), then the 3rd king was Æthelbald, son of Æthelwulf and grandson of Egbert.

    Æthelbald plotted against his father, Æthelwulf, taking over the Kingdom of Wessex  while the father was on a pilgrimage to Rome. When Æthelwulf got back, his son had taken control of the main kingdom and the father was forced to abdicate and just allowed the "sub-kingdom" of Kent until his death in 858. After that  ÃƒÂ†thelbald lived only a couple more years until 860.  His brother Æthelbert then became king from 860-66 AD.

    Æthelwulf  had wanted each of his sons to have a turn ruling, and not fight over dividing up the land and resources - -  ÃƒÂ†thelbald's death meant that Æthelwulf's wishes were carried out in the succession with each son having his turn.  ÃƒÂ†thelbert was followed by Æthelred (866-71 AD), who was in turn followed by Alfred (871-900 AD) , the youngest son of Æthelwulf, who became known as Alfred the Great

    If you start counting at the Norman conquest (1066), then Henry I is the third of the Norman kings of England.

  4. Depends on when you start counting

    If you start from 1066, which many do

    Willy, Willy, Harry, Ste,

    Harry, d**k, John, Harry three,

    One, two, three Neds, Richard two,

    Henries four, five, six,  then who?

    Edwards four, five, d**k the bad,

    Harries twain and Ned the lad,

    Mary, Bessie, James the vain,

    Charlie, Charlie, James again,

    William & Mary, Anna Gloria,

    Four Georges, William and Victoria,

    Edward, George, then Ned the eighth

    quickly goes and abdicat'th,

    leaving George, then Liz the second,

    and with Charlie next it's reckoned.

    That's the way our monarchs lie

    since Harold got it in the eye!

    So the answer to your question is Steven the First

  5. This might help you:

    West Saxons

    Alfred the Great (871 - 899)

    Edward the Elder (899 - 924)

    Ælfweard (924), King of Wessex only.

    Athelstan (924 - 939)

    Edmund I (939 - 946)

    Edred (946 - 955)

    Edwy the Fair (955 - 959)

    Edgar the Peaceable (959 - 975)

    St Edward the Martyr (975 - 978)

    Ethelred the Unready (978 - 1013, 1014 - 1016)

    Edmund Ironside (1016)

    best of luck to you!

  6. King George III

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