
Who was the woman that said,Tiger woods should be lynched,?

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don't you think she should be fired? Dog and Imus was




  1. It was Kelly Tilghman. She is a very good friend of Tiger's and he has already accepted her apology. If you were watching the show, then you know that she was simply finishing a comment by Nick Faldo and unfortunately made a bad choice of one word. They were saying how nobody could beat him on the course so Faldo said if any of these younger players were going to catch him maybe they should gang up on him. And that's when Kelly said, "like take him out in an alley and lynch him or something." It was not said with malice. So, no I don't think she should be fired.

  2. yes she should be fired.

    Her comment is unacceptable.

  3. Her name was Kelly Tilghman.  No she shouldn't be fired.  She used a poor choice of words, but did not mean that young golfers should lynch Tiger Woods in a back alley.  She's known Tiger for 12 years.  Tiger said that it wasn't an issue to him so everyone else should do the same.  She got suspended for 2 weeks and that is sufficient.

  4. She was a friend of Tigers who is an anchor on the Golf Channel.  She has apologized to Tiger, who has accepted that apology.

    She made a very poor choice of words during a split second conversation on how to beat Tiger, you can't do it on a golf course, you have to take him out like Tanya Harding took out her competition before the Olympics one year.

    She did not have a history, unlike Imus, and she wasn't trying to hurt Tiger.  She was actually finishing the thought of another commentator.

    Bad choice of words.  She has been suspended for two weeks.  She should not be fired.  Imus is back on the air.

    The only person who needs to be "fired" is Al Sharpton.  All he does is stir things up.  This was not a bad woman who was trying to be mean.  She made a mistake.  We should all learn to forgive and forget.  It's not like Al's never made an error in judgment.

  5. Everybody knows it was a big mistake. It was Kelly Tilghman. She said " Young players who want to challenge Tiger Woods should 'lynch' him in a back alley"

    She is a commentator for The Golf Channel. You can get the channel on Hutchtel and probably a different cable company. I personally watch the show.

    Anything that comes out of this should be that she should be fired immidiantly

  6. Kelly Tilghman is her name

    She was suspended, that seems fair

  7. yeah she should be fired. what the h**l was that comment about.. WHO SAYS THAT!??!

  8. kelly tilghmun

  9. Omg someone said that???? i haven't heard that but if its true that woman should DEFINITELY BE FIRED! !!! thats a horrible thing to say!! =[

  10. Who cares anymore. YOur six days late on this topic. It was funny.

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