
Who was the worst player in franchise history for each team?

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I was reading the poll on ESPN for the best player for each team franchise wise and I was wondering who would make the worst player on each franchise of all time. It's kinda long so I'll just do the AL.

Tampa Bay Rays/Devil Rays - Hideo Nomo

Boston Red Sox - George Scott

New York Yankees - Carl Pavano

Toronto Blue Jays - Vinnie Chulk

Baltimore Orioles - Billy Ripken

Chicago White Sox - Mike Caruso

Cleveland Indians - Chris James

Detroit Tigers - Mike Moore

Kansas City - Jose Lima

Minnesota Twins - Nick Punto

L.A. Angels - Damon Hollins

Oakland A's - Scott Brosius

Seattle Mariners - Carlos Silva

Texas Rangers - Luis Mendoza




  1. With the yankees, it was Jack Mcdowell! Not for his play but his f**ing attitude!

    I know some people really hate yankees fans, but he flipped off the entire crowd when he came off the mound.

    What a bad role model. My runner up is Jeff Weaver.

    He had potential but he got killed when he came to NY.

  2. if you're playing in the major leagues then nobody really sucks that's just an opinion.

  3. You really should have said in the last 10 years, or something instead of "All-Time" since it's obvious almost all your picks are from the last two decades.

    You really think Nick Punto is the worst player the Twins have EVER had?

    and Carl Pavano is the worst Yankee of ALL TIME?

    No way

  4. sure pretty accurate except the detroit tigers eddie gaedel was a midget/little person/ dwarf/ anything else small people are called. he had 1  ab and he walked cuz he was so small he was only 3' 4" and 65 lbs.

  5. Hideo Nomo? No way man. Esteban Yan was the worst.

  6. You realize that the worst player in the history of each team is going to be a no-name scrub who was called up for a few games and was never heard from again, right?  

  7. These should be people who start 110+ games during the season don't just put up pinch-hitters and backups.

  8. The answer is Neifi Perez.

  9. I would have to disagree with just about everyone of your selections.  If a player is to play often enough to be remembered, they are actually pretty good.  For example, George Scott of the Boston Red Sox was good enough that they re-acquired him after he was traded away for the 1972 season.  Mike Moore was a 17-game winner for the Detroit Tigers at one time.  You do not get that many wins being the worst ever on that team.

    Note to Vinny above:  Eddie Gaedel "played" for the St. Louis Browns.  His one plate appearance was against the Tigers.

    Carl Pavano has been a wreck since joining the Yankees, but he has had some effectiveness when able to play.

  10. the worst philly is probably steve jeltz, mets may be mo vaughn but carl pavano the worst yankee? no

  11. For the Red Sox it has to be Eric Gagne.  George Scott was a decent player for the Sox and hit over 100 home runs for them.  In their magical 1967 season he had 19 HR, 82 RBI and a .303 BA, not too bad.

    Meanwhile Gagne came over in 2007 and was suppose to help in the bullpen but all he did was blow a bunch of leads and have a 6.75 ERA in 20 games.  And all it cost the Red Sox was David Murphy and two other players.

  12. Nick Punto being the worst Twins player is c**p.  He's been with the team since 2004 & the Twins have been a contending team all but one of those years.  Punto had a great 06 & a very solid 08.  Yes, he was terrible last year, but he's not a starter.  Nick Punto is a very solid defensive player & should be used in a utility role like he is this year.  Maybe some people forget how bad the Twins were from93-00, and they ran through tons of bad players.  To me the worst was Scott Stahoviak, look up his numbers.

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