
Who was this golfer?

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Readers digest did a story about a man that had amazing accuracy. They said he was a little off, and shy quiet man. He could get aces like crazy. He learned by hitting thousands of balls to get his accuracy off a hill or something by his house and hitting the mark repeatedly. He was encouraged to play professional or something like that and the other players chastized him for his clothes and behavior and he quit. This is as much as I remember other than they said had he stayed in it he would have probably been the best player ever. I can't for the life of me remember his name..




  1. I'll certainly agree with those who said Moe Norman.   I recall him being interviewed on TSN shortly before his death.  Certainly not your stereotypical golf pro.

  2. You're describing Moe Norman.

  3. If you find it outside of this question could you post it because it sounds intresting

  4. fuzzy neller, try googleing him or somthing

  5. Moe Norman?
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