
Who was your best child?

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If you just had to chose.




  1. It depends on who is misbehaving at the moment. When one gets ornery it seems another one starts acting extra nice and sweet as pie.

    Check back when they are all in the thirties and at roughly the same developmental stage :)

  2. Both my kids were great babies. My son is 3 now and he has so much energy it is hard to keep up with him....but he dresses himself and can walk on his own and talk to tell me what he wants. My daughter just turned a year and is just getting the whole walking thing and still has trouble communicating to me what she wants so it is hard. I cannot chose because they are still so young and have such differences. Take care, Mandy

  3. My best baby vvas my first, my son. He slept through the night the best, hardly ever cried and vvas just an all around good baby! I could take him anyvvhere and he vvould never fuss, he ate good and I just never had any problems vvith him, he vvas very laid back.

  4. obviously my daughter since she's my only for now.

  5. I would never even consider choosing

  6. My "best" child??? Both my kids are my best. I could not ever choose between them!

  7. Johnny is my best child.

    He's the only one I have and the only one I plan on having! :)

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