
Who was your favorite American Founder and why?

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Mine is Samuel Adams for a host of reasons. He was a true instigator and really pushed the idea of independence harder than most other. In fact, he was such a rabble-rouser that when Governor Gage offered a pardon to all those that took up arms in rebellion against the crown at the start of the war he explicitly added "excepting only from the benefit of such pardon Samuel Adams and John Hancock, whose Offences were of too flagitious a Nature to admit of any other Consideration than that of condign Punishment."

He was a student of John Locke's philosophy and stood up for what he believed.

Who is your favorite Founder and why?




  1. Obama

  2. Thomas Jefferson, the father of the declaration of independence and a true believer in individual rights

  3. Benjamin Franklin who was well educated,inventor,etc.

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