
Who was your favorite baseball player as a kid and who is your favorite now?

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Who was your favorite baseball player as a kid and who is your favorite now?




  1. I am 13 so I would have to say Miguel Cabrera.

  2. Haha soxfan, I always liked Prior too.

    Growing up it was Bagwell.

    Couple years ago it was Prior, but then he was injured every year since his 12-7 record.

    Nowadays, it's Nate McLouth.

  3. Mark Prior, he was a pitcher for the Cubs but I don't know what happened.

    Now I like Derrick Lee, 1st basemen for the Cubs.

    Go White Sox!

  4. Ivan (Pudge) Rodriguez

  5. As did most other kids of my generation, I loved Ken Griffey Jr. The guy was the epitome of  an all-around player. He could field, throw, run, and obviously hit. He had/has the sweetest swing and hit the ball with ease. He made baseball look very easy. Not to mention, he would definitely be the Home Run King if he could have stayed even half way healthy throughout his career. Amazing ball player.

    As of now, my favorite player has to be Tim Lincecum. 5-10, 160 lbs, and can throw high 90's. I mean, come on! It looks like he puts everything he has into every pitch he delivers. He is by far the most entertaining pitcher we have seen in MLB in a while. Not to mention, the guy can truly, flat out pitch. At 24 years of age, he is 14-3 (on a team that is third worst in the league in scoring), with a 2.48 ERA (second in the league), 200 K's (leads the league), .222 opposing BA (top 5 in the league), while only giving up 9 HR's. The guy is truly phenomenal. I'm looking forward to watching him pitch for a long time, and I'm not even a Giants fan.  

  6. It was Sammy Sosa & now it's Evan Longoria

  7. Then: Garry Maddox

    Now: Jamie Moyer

  8. growing up it was Ken Boyer and Stan Musial

    Now it is Albert Pujols and Ryan Ludwick

    Stan "The Man" Musial is still my favorite overall

  9. Then: Ken Griffey Jr.

    Now: Manny Ramirez (minus the attitude)

  10. Unfortunately a freakin' steroid user! My favorite player when I was younger was Paul LoDuca

  11. as a kid was mike piazza now manny ramiez yea im a dodger fan

  12. when i first got into watching baseball i loved pedro martinez when he was with red sox. that was when i was like 8. now im 16 my favorite player has to be  tim lincecum. hes a beast.

    i love watching good pitchers.

  13. i'm only 15 but i loved Jim Thome when he was with the Phils and now Chase is my boy  

  14. Willie mays when i was a kid and now  Derek Jeter

  15. First,  YAZ

    then Keith Hernandez

    now, Manny, subject to change

  16. Kid: Reggie Jackson

    Adult: Derek Jeter

    Both clutch, both post season monsters.

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