
Who was your favorite racehorse of all time, and why?

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Who was your favorite racehorse of all time, and why?




  1. Sunday Silence. People said that he was homely looking and had a bad-temper. But I saw a beautiful horse with a huge heart and stubborn resiliency. I miss him terribly.

  2. i have many great memories, cougar2ND was my

    baby....always ran lights out...

  3. Secretariat.


    Go For Wand


    They were all great. Sec won belmont by 31 lenghts.  Ruffian was undefeated.  Go For Wand I believe was undefeated.  Forgo was probably the best handicapper I've ever seen.

  4. Secretariat, he took my breath away every time I saw him step on the track. To this day I still get goosebumps when I hear "And Secretariat is moving like a tremendous machine", his win in the Belmont was just awe inspiring. I will probably never see another feat such as his win.

    I got to see him before he passed away, and he was still as beautiful as he was as a 3 year old.

    To show you how much I loved him, my license plate says "BY 31 LGTH"...LOL! Anyone who is a horse lover knows exactly what this means, and everyone else says what???

  5. Secretariat - whose domination in the Triple Crown may never be seen again. He was regally bred and one superb athlete who defined a generation in pro sports.

  6. Silver Charm

  7. Barbaro

    well i just started getting into horse racing last year. and what a great year it was. i mean, to start getting into horse racing when Barbaro had a shot for the Triple Crown in 28 years. you couldn't of asked for a better year to start the wonderful sport.

    i loved that horses to the very fullest and when i found out he got put down, i was at school on the computers in our libuary and of-couse checked to see how he was. i read the horriable news, and (im NOT kidding) i got the goose bumbs and i frooze there, trying not to cry. then i had to go to vollyball practice that night and i was trying to hide the tears but only a few slipped out when nobody noticed ;)

    now i still to this day am depressed about him as in, im not like depressed with life (geez i luv life!) im just so depressed when i think about him, watch him on youtube, or even look at the breyer horse i have of him.

    but the night i got home of January 29, 2007, my parents asked me and they're just like "did u hear..." and before they could even finish, i started bawling

    but the thing about Barbaro is that, he wasn't a horse that needed to win, he wanted to win, and i swear that if that horse ever lost a race in his 3yo racing carrer he would've been a different horse. because he would think that he wasn't good enough. becasue i mean, in the Preakness, he was 2-1!!! 2-1!! then it happen...

    but long story short, this horse just really, changed, the way America or anyone around the world thought about the sport of horse racing. because i am 95% sure that there are tons more people involved in it now more then there was in 2005.

    and now i should be getting my Barbaro bracelet in the mail on Monday and i will wear it forever. and if u would like to purchase one here's the link

    and like Gretchen Jackson said "Greif is the price we ALL pay for love"

    and she is right, they put Barbaro to sleep because they loved him and wanted him to live a wonderful pain-free life.

    so thats why Barbaro is my favorite race horse of all time.


    RIP Barbaro♥

  8. secretariat. best of all time

  9. many, but for some reason I still like Point Given the most.

  10. Ruffian.  She had the heart of a true racer.

  11. I think my favorite racehorse of all time was probably Kelso, because he was there, racing at the top of his game, for a breath-taking 5 seasons.  

    I also admired Ack Ack and Cougar II, both of whom were great weight-carriers and fierce competitors as handicap horses;  Ack Ack particularly was probably a much better horse than many people credit.  

    Dahlia was a favorite of mine, as was Kilijaro, because both of them took on males in the handicap ranks with some success.  

    Spectacular Bid and Seattle Slew were both great champions that I saw.  They were both awesome horses to watch.  

    Affirmed was a great one, but he had a habit of cutting his finishes a bit fine.  I think he may have been a better racehorse than he got credit for, simply because he wouldn't put himself out more than he had to in order to win.

    Secretariat was a spectacular, beautiful horse, and when I saw him (and got to pet him!!!) at Claiborne Farm, he struck me as a real presence with a lot of personality.

    The Minstrel, who I saw and got to pet at Windfields Farm, was one of the most beautiful Thoroughbreds I have ever set eyes on, with a very refined and beautiful head and neck-- much more beautiful than a typical Thoroughbred stallion, almost an Arab-type head.

    John Henry is such a great horse that keeps on going, he's a horse that brings a smile to my face.

    The most awe I have ever felt in the presence of a horse was when I saw Round Table at Claiborne Farm in 1985.  He was 31 years old, grizzled and rafter-hipped, he'd lost all his teeth and had been pensioned from stud for several years.  And for all that and all the racing he'd done, he had clean strong legs.  Unbelievable.

    How can anyone choose a favorite when so many Thoroughbreds are so awesome?  I'm grateful for every great memory every wonderful racehorse has ever given me.

  12. Barbaro and Ruffian. both were great race horses and both died early. too early for their time

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