
Who was your favorite wrestler from The Heenan Family ?

by Guest66373  |  earlier

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Mine was Paul Orndoff, I think its a shame he never beat Hogan for the WWE title. Rather then have a "Super" Hogan title reign, it would of been nice to of had Orndoff go over perhaps the Steel Cage from SNME. It always makes for good tv when a beloved face is chasing the title..

Your Thoughts ?




  1. Good question. Orndorff was definitely a great talent but I think my favorites would be a toss-up between Mr.Perfect & Rick Rude. I think they both had amazing charisma and talent that was never fully achieved in the WWE. It's a shame.. I think both should've moved above the Intercontinental realm during their time with WWE.

  2. Ravishing Rick Rude (he was years before his time)

  3. Andre the Giant, he was really "The 8th Wonder Of The World"

  4. I liked Paul Orndorff too, but my favorite wrestler from the Heenan family was Mr. Perfect. I don't think I even need to explain why.

    I also liked the couple of months he managed The Brain Busters...Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard..they were science in tag team wrestling in the ring.

  5. Mr Perfect, he was cocky and a great athlete

  6. don't know

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