
Who was your favourite Ghostbuster?

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Who was your favourite Ghostbuster?




  1. That one

  2. Peter Venkman

  3. venkman 4 humour

    egon for seriousness

  4. Peter, I fancied him at the time!

  5. Derek Acorah (its his fakeness, that hair, the scouse accent and the lame earring that makes him a classic) he should have been in the film Ghostbusters lol..what a hero (not)

  6. I find it really hard to pick just one!  Venkman was always so funny, the anti hero of sorts who always gets the girl (admitedly the same girl but it doesn't stop him trying!), Ray was always innocent but knowledgeable and Winston sort of became his sidekick and the conversation between them about the dead rising from the grave, was a defining moment of the movie.  And then there was Egon.  I guess I always had a soft spot for the brainiac, smart but also funny I always wondered about his collection of spores, moulds and fungi!

  7. Peter Venkman!

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